Surprise Valley Record for December 1925

Surprise Valley Record, Cedarville, Modoc County, California, December 1925

December 2, 1925

Sudden Death William Ebling
For many years one of the old pioneer residents of Washoe, County, Nevada, but for the past several years a resident of this place, died suddenly yesterday morning at his home in the north part of town. He was down town Monday evening and complained of feeling ill and feared that he might be taking pneumonia, and yesterday morning Thos. Jones went to his home to see how he was. He found him to be a very sick man and immediately brought his wife and went after Dr. Kennedy, leaving Mrs. Jones, who is a professional nurse, working with the patient, but in a few minutes the end came. A jury was empanelled and the verdict was that the deceased came to his death from natural cause, which as near as could be ascertained was caused by the hardening of the arteries of the heart. Wm Ebling was a man well liked and has no relatives in this state. He was a member of Paradise Lodge of Odd Fellows in Nevada. The time for his funeral has not been announced, but it will be conducted under the auspices of the Cedarville Lodge No. 249.

“Scotty” Answers Last Call
George Brand, an aged man familiarly known as “Scotty” Brand, died last Saturday morning at the Hotel Surprise, where he was taken for medical treatment about a week ago. George Brand was born in Scotland, and was aged about eighty-three years. As a young man he came to American, and settled in Nevada in the year 1857 and was a resident of Washoe County over forty years, working at ranching and sheep herding. He was chiefly employed by the Gerlach Live Stock Company. During the last decade, he was practically a pensioner at Lost Creek Ranch, owned by the Gerlach Co. The deceased left no relatives in this country and the funeral was held from the Cedarville Church last Sunday afternoon with interment in the local cemetery. The services were conducted by Rev. M. J. Williams, in the presence of a party of friends, who had known “Scotty” as an honest, trust worthy, intelligent and industrious employee of the Gerlach Co. for years.

Arthur Pepperdine plead guilty to the charge of embezzlement of County funds and was last week sentenced to a term of from one to ten years in the penitentiary.

Jack Hayes has been quite ill with pneumonia during the past week, but at this writing, we understand that he is holding his own with the dreaded disease.

Simon Bennett and George S. Miller returned last week from a six weeks’ visit to Connecticut and made their return trip by auto. They report a pleasant time and made the journey home in 27 days.

Dan Devaney was thrown from a bucking horse while at Badger last Wednesday and was badly bruised, as the horse kicked him as he fell. He was brought to Cedarville for medical treatment and is getting along as well as could be expected. Luckily, no bones were broken.

Robert E. McCulley, of this place and Mrs. Vesta Davis, of Likely, were married at Redding, Cal., last Thursday. Bob, as he is familiarly called is one of the hustling young farmers of this place and has a host of warm friends who wish him and his bride all the happiness and prosperity possible as they travel over the rugged pathway of life.

December 9, 1925

In Cedarville, Cal., December 6, 1925, to the wife of Harvey Chase, a 10 pound daughter – Eula Belle Chase.

Chris Hansen was at Alturas yesterday taking his mother, Mrs. Mary Hansen over. Mrs. Hansen was on her way to Huntington Beach to spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. B. E. Warrens. Her many friends here wish her a pleasant visit and safe return.

At Alturas, Cal., December 7, 1925, Wm. Mullins and Miss Lila Hanks, both of this place. The Record extends hearty congratulations to its young friends and wishes them boundless happiness and prosperity as they journey through life.

Jack Pierce, the 17 years old son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pierce, of Likely, Cal., died Sunday while enroute to Reno for an operation for appendicitis. Jack was a bright young man and was member of the Senior Class in the Modoc County High School. His funeral was held at Likely yesterday.

Regarding the article in last week’s record relating to the Pepperdine case, we are informed that it was incorrect in that the article stated some attorneys prevailed upon Pepperdine to fight the case. As a matter of fact, he was charged with two crimes, that of grand larceny and embezzlement. The former charge was the one to be contested, but it was dismissed, and he plead guilty to the latter.

A large number of people were present to attend the funeral of Wm Ebling last Friday afternoon. He was a native of Germany and was aged about seventy years and came to Paradise Valley, Nevada about thirty-nine years and a couple of years later moved to Virgin Valley, and lived in that part of the country until a few years ago when he came to this place, where he has since resided. He was the last of his family and having no relatives, he left a will, making a number of small bequests to several of his old friends, but bequeathing the bulk of his possessions to John Largent, of Lake City.

December 16, 1925

Weds Woodland Man Woodland, cal. Dec. 10 – Hugh Cave, 76, pioneer of Yolo County and for years deputy Sheriff of Yolo County, yesterday surprised even the members of his family by taking unto himself a wife in Ida May Herron, 65, of Fort Bidwell, Cal. The joint ages of the twain united by Justice of the Peace, R. W. Harrison, is 141 years. Cave is a property owner of Woodland, and has long sought a housekeeper to look after and keep up his Woodland home. Failing, he started forth in search of a helpmate to be his companion in his relining days. Mr. and Mrs. Cave will reside in woodland. They are away on their honeymoon.

A Tragedy At Adin
A frightful accident occurred at Adin last Friday evening, which resulted in the death of Miss Theresa Auble and badly burned two other young ladies. It seems that the High School pupils were preparing to present a play in the High School building that evening and Miss Auble lighted a gasoline lamp which exploded and burning her so severely that she died on Saturday, and also severely burning the other girls mentioned. The sad tragedy call forth expression of deepest sympathy throughout the county and their heartfelt sympathy goes out to the bereaved ones, in their hour of overwhelming sorrow.

Mrs. D. A. Cunningham slipped and fell one day last week, spraining her elbow badly.

Married At Alturas, Cal., Dec. 13th, 1925, Mrs. Gertie Dunn to Alfred Warmack, both of Cedarville, Cal.

Rumor has it that Oscar Barnum was married at Alturas yesterday to Miss Eva Knight. If the report be true, we extend heartfelt congratulations to the young couple.

Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Adams received a wire announcing the illness of their daughter, Mrs. Everett Wilson at Sacramento and Mrs. Adams at once left for that place.

Thos Jones, Sr., is reported on the sick list this week.

December 23, 1925

A Narrow Escape
Last Monday morning Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Robinson, Dr. M. R. Kennedy, and Paul Robinson left here for Lakeview in their Sedan, where they were taking Paul to undergo and operation for appendicitis, and when near harry Ward’s place the car skidded and turned over on its side. The accident was the result of slippery roads, and while chains were on all four wheels, the car could not be kept from skidding. Fortunately, none of the occupants were hurt, though the car was somewhat damaged, and the party returned here.

Dr. Kennedy performed a surgical operation on Paul Robinson yesterday morning and removed a badly infected appendix that has been troubling him for some time. Mrs. Thos D. Jones assisted in the operation and we are pleased to state that the patient is getting along nicely.

L. N. Pabst has been on the sick list the past week but is now able to attend to business.

In Cedarville, Cal., Dec. 21, 1925, to Mr. and Mrs. John P. Reynolds, a son – Eugene Rolley Reynolds.

Marx Gosch, 81, one of the pioneer settlers in the Canby section died last week and was buried at Alturas Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Orville Hotchkiss returned last week from Chico, where they went to attend the funeral of Mrs. Hotchkiss’ sister who died suddenly as couple of weeks ago and report things looking well in the Sacramento Valley.

December 30, 1925

A Successful Operation
Paul Robinson who underwent a surgical operation for appendicitis last week is getting along nicely and was able to be brought to his home yesterday. The success of the operation and his speedy recovery reflects much credit on Dr. Kennedy as a surgeon and also Mrs. Thos D. Jones, who was his nurse. Aside from being a skillful physician, Dr. Kennedy is an especially expert surgeon, which brings to mind the thought that if a suitable place could be arranged for performing operations there would be no need for any of our people going elsewhere for that purpose, as the Dr. and Mrs. Jones form a good hospital corp, and all patients could place themselves in their hands with the utmost confidence in the success of final results.

Marion Rinehart is reported ill with pneumonia.

“Grandpa” Mickle is reported somewhat ill this week.

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