Surprise Valley Record for February 1925

Surprise Valley Record, Cedarville, Modoc County, California, February 1925

February 4, 1925

Conditions Outside Surprise R. H. Stanley, Cedarville, Cal.
Dear Sir: – last week I saw a line in the Record that read like this, “Send me some news.” Now I never did send in a news item in my life and don’t suppose that I could, but for the benefit of the people who sometimes think that they live in the worst place in the world when they are in old Surprise, I will say, that they are mistaken. While I am not living in Surprise Valley at present, I have a warm place in my heart for it and a great deal of interest in it and interest in the folks that live there, and the commercial industry that goes to make life worth while in any country. As to climate and the pleasure resorts, fine roads and things that the wealthy of the world are able to enjoy, this country has it over Surprise. But when it comes to the class that are putting up the taxes to pay for these things, which they have neither time nor opportunity to enjoy, they are in a worse state of affairs than are the folks of our own country. I have heard men for the past twenty years in Surprise Valley, and have you, say that if Surprise had a railroad that we could market the produce for prices that would justify the farmers to raise it. But today I can prove to the folks that make those statements that the farmers of Surprise Valley are just as well off in their present condition as they would be with a railroad lengthwise of their valley. The cowmen of Jackson County are getting 4 ½ cents for steers: 3 cents for cows: 6 cents for hogs: 75 cents for chickens, of they are good, 39 cents for eggs and about 2 cents less for their butter fat than the California market, or just what Surprise Valley people are netted after shipping to the outside market. In turn they are buying through this mill, in which I am employed, and others of the same class, hay, alfalfa, $25.00 a ton for second crop: $27.00 for first crop and grain hay at $27.00. Most all the farmers are buying their grain for their cows, hogs and poultry, at not less than $60.00 and up to $65.00 in ton lots. Land here ranges from $250 to $500 per acre and these pleasant things that I spoke of in the first part of this letter make the taxes alone $12.00 per acre and then you add a little interest to suit yourself and you will have what poor men are getting rich on that are not isolated in Surprise Valley. I am only saying this, that those who would sometimes by discouraged with their ups and downs can realize that the conditions all over are alike. Every house, lot, ranch, parcel of land, and every business in this country is for sale, they want to move out so the folks that are selling out at other places can move in. Now, some will say I am home sick and trying to knock this beautiful country, but not so. I am fine and have a good job, at good wages and am fatter than I ever was in my life. This is the finest place to live I ever struck and room for a lot more folks, but you want more in our pocket than your jack knife, for some of the folks here are just about out of a place to carry the knife. I will say those that have a good piece of property in Surprise Valley just stick to it for it will do you just as much good there as it will any place, and work for the up building of your home country and industry that will make what you feel you could get elsewhere. N. W. HEARD 171 Helman St. Ashland, Oregon

The following notice appeared in the last week’s “Cry.” Any lady belonging to the Community Club wishing a saddle horse or a good cow, call on Pat Heard, Long Valley Ranch.

Elmer Toney is going to put up a Wrecking Station at the foot of the Vya Dug-way.

In Cedarville, Cal., January 31st, 1925, to the wife of Wiley Allen, a son

In Alturas, Cal., Jan. 24, 1925, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harrington, a daughter

Mrs. Rachel Barber, of Eagleville, is very ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Bailey.

Miss Aileen Atkinson, who has been in a critical condition during the past week, is reported somewhat improved at this writing.

Wm Ballard came over from Alturas today, bringing Mrs. Robt Wade, who came to be at the bedside of her mother, Mrs. Barber, who is very ill.

Mrs. Lem Toney and Mrs. Jesse Hapgood entertained “Uncle” John McVey last Sunday at the residence of Mrs. Hapgood, the occasion being in honor of “Uncle” John’s eighty-third birthday. A splendid dinner was partaken of and a general good social time indulged in.

February 11, 1925

Young Man Died
David Lusk was born about three miles north of Cedarville, Nov. 14, 1899, and died in Cedarville, Feb. 7, 1925, at the age of 25 years, 2 months and 15 days. At an early age he, with his parents, left Surprise valley, to which place he returned about five years ago and has since made his residence here. He was one of Eleven children, eight of whom survive, as follows: Mrs. Bessie Oliver and Mrs. Hattie Hill, of Nevada; Mrs. Mollie Chagnon, of Corona; Miss Rena Lusk, of Santa Ana; Miss Julia Lusk, of Hermosa Beach; and Andrew, Henry and Harvey Lusk. The cause of his death was cerebro-meningitis. David was a fine young man and well like by all. He has many friends who extend loving sympathy to the sisters and brothers in their sad bereavement. It might be said of him as Fitz Greene Halleck wrote of his friend: “None knew him but to love him: None named him but to praise.” His was held from the M. E. Church Tuesday evening, Rev. R. L. Waggoner conducted the services, and his remains were laid to rest in the Cedarville Cemetery.

Wesley McGhee had the misfortune to fracture his wrist while coming from Nevada last Saturday. Dr. Kennedy attended to the injury and he is getting along nicely.

At Lake City, Cal., Feb. 4th, 1925, to the wife of Joel Allen, a daughter.

In Cedarville, Cal., February 8th, 1925, to the wife of Alfred DeWitt, a son

W. U. Scott Answers Call
William U. Scott died last Monday evening at his residence at Eagleville, at the age of 64 years, his death resulting from the after effects of the flu, from which he had been suffering for the past year. “Bill” Scott, as he is familiarly called, was one of the most prominent ranchers and stockmen in Modoc county and northern Washoe County, Nevada. He was a man of sterling worth, broadminded, big-hearted and generous to a fault; a man of some faults and many virtues; a man whose hand was always open to the needy, and who was always to the front in matters of benefit to the community can illy afford to lose. He leaves to mourn his loss his wife and little daughter, California, and two daughters in the East. Viz. Mrs. Hazel Stokes, of Brenard, North Carolina and Mrs. Hattie King, of Macon, Georgia, on brother, C. A. Scott, San Jose, and one sister, Mrs. Emba Howett, of San Jose, to whom is extended the heartfelt sympathy of a host of friends. His remains will be laid to rest in the Eagleville cemetery this afternoon at two o’clock. Next week we hope to publish a biographical sketch of his life.

Mrs. Nettie Conlan of Reno, Nevada, came in on Fridays stage and went to Fort Bidwell to visit her mother.

The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hays, of Lake City, has been seriously ill during the past week but is reported as improving.

We learned that Aileen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Atkinson, of Lake City, who has been dangerously ill with intestinal flu the past two weeks, is somewhat improved and strong hopes for her recovery is entertained.

February 18, 1925

Studio Piano Recital
Piano students of Mrs. L. B. Lewis have given a series of studio recitals at the studio during the past month. Demonstrations of their piano study, essays on the composer Mozart, and several of his compositions were played, well as solo numbers by the advanced students, to which relatives of the students were invited. Vocal solos rendered by Mrs. Wm Young were greatly enjoyed by those present. Students taking part were: Marie Espil, Edith Page, Ethel Page, Frances Adams, Katherine Gooch, Frankie Gooch, Mary Atkinson, Florence Warrens, Marian Bogert, Margaret Hill, Aileen Atkinson, Wanda Heard, Grace Stiner, Vivian Hayes, Elaine Strotts, Loyal Baty, Lois Tyeryar, Irma Cummins and Marie Harris.

Funeral Of W. U. Scott
William U. Scott was born in the Province of Quebec, Canada, July 13, 1861 and was of Scotch parentage. In 1877, he came to Reno, where he was married to Mary Lucinda Adams, and shortly afterwards moved to Surprise Valley and in 1891 purchased the place at which he died and where his first wife died in 1906. In 1914, he was married to Miss Lena B. Harking, at Burns, Oregon, who survives him. He engaged in the sheep business and until the time of his death was prominently identified with that industry in Northern Nevada. He was also extensively engaged in the breeding of pureblooded Shorthorn cattle at his Eagleville ranch, and contributed largely to the improvement of stock in this valley. Mr. Scott enjoyed an individuality of his own and was a diamond in the rough and many people in Surprise Valley have been the recipients of his generosity, and no case of need ever appealed to him in vain. The funeral services were simple and somewhat out of the usual order, in that no religious rites were observed. Before his death, Mr. Scott requested Mr. F. E. Bush to read certain selections that he had made, and also that some of his favorite songs be sung and his wishes were complied with in a manner that was interesting to all. The subjects were: “Thanatopsis” by Bryant: “What is Worship?” “The Garden of Eden”; “The Real Bible” and Ingersoll’s Tribute to his Brother. The subjects were read in a cleat and impressive manner by Mr. Bush. The songs he requested were “Annie Laurie,” rendered by Mrs. Wm Young; “Auld Lang Syne” and “Sweet Afton” were sung by a number of those present. All the subjects were interesting and the one, which seemed to vividly, express Mr. Scott’s view of life, was “What is Worship?”

Andrew Deter was taken ill last week and on Monday morning was taken to the hospital at Lakeview, where it may be necessary for him to undergo an operation.

Olin barber arrived here from Sacramento last week, to visit his mother, Mrs. Rachel Barber, who has been quite ill; but has so far recovered to be able to return to her home at Eagleville.

Card Of Thanks
I desire to express my sincere thanks to all who so kindly assisted during the late illness and death of my husband. Mrs. W. U. Scott, Eagleville, Cal

Card Of Thanks
We wish to sincerely thank the kind people of Cedarville for their generous help during the illness and death of our beloved brother, David Lusk. Henry Lusk, Mollie Chagnon, Hattie Hill, Bessie Oliver, Andy Lusk, Hardy Lusk, Rena Lusk, and Julia Lusk.

February 25, 1925

Young Man Suicides
Last Saturday evening a young man named Ralph Cavin committed suicide at the Monchamp Ranch, just east of town, by shooting himself through the left breast with a rifle. The rash act was supposed to have been committed about eleven o’clock Saturday night, and the body was not found until about noon on Sunday, when his brother Everett Cavin, climbed up into the loft of the barn to move some hay. Coroner Frank Kerr held an inquest and the jury rendered a verdict, death from a wound inflicted by his own hand. He was a member of the Knights of Pythias Lodge here and his body was taken charge of by the Order, and after embalming, the remains were shipped to his mother at Sterling, Kansas, on Tuesday, and were accompanied to his old home by Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cavin. On Saturday, he wrote several letters, among which was one to his mother and another to Edward Rinehart, one of his close friends, in which he stated that he would “end it all.” In infancy he was afflicted with infantile paralysis and was a cripple from its effects, and it is thought that his condition so preyed upon his mind that he decided to commit the rash act. He was about twenty-three years of age, well liked by those who knew him. The home coming of her boy to the poor aged mother will be sad indeed, and the sincere sympathy of all go out to her sad affliction.

Mrs. A. R. Allenwood is reported slightly improved in health, although yet confined to the house.

Mrs. Ed Archer passed away at Alturas last Sunday, death being caused by paralysis. Her many friends here deeply regret to hear of her death and sincere sympathy is extended to the bereaved family.

Mrs. Joshua Strief is slowly convalescing from an attack of the flu.

Joshua Strief one day last week fell from a hay wagon, striking a rock and severely bruising his side. He is confined to his bed.

Card Of Thanks
We desire to express our sincere thanks to the people of this vicinity for their kindness and aid at the time of our late bereavement, in the death of our brother. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cavin

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