Surprise Valley Record for January 1925

Surprise Valley Record, Cedarville, Modoc County, California, January 1925

January 7, 1925

30 Years Ago And Now
When hens were $3 per dozen, roosters 10 cents a piece, eggs 3 dozen for 25 cents, butter 10 cents per pound, milk 5 cents per quart, the butcher gave away liver and treated the kids to bologna’s, the hired girl received two dollars per week and did the washin’; women did not powder or paint, in public, smoke, vote, play poker or shake the shimmie. Men wore whiskers and boots, spit on the sidewalk, chewed tobacco and cussed; beer was 5 cents and the lunch was free, laborers worked fifteen hours a day and never went on a strike, no tips were given to waiters and the hat check grafter was unknown. No one was ever operated on for appendicitis or bought glands; microbes were unheard of; folks lived to a good old age and every year walked miles to wish their friends Merry Christmas. Today, you know everybody rides in automobiles, plays golf, go to the movies every night, smoke cigarettes; drink Rukus Juice; blames the H. C. of L. on their neighbors, never goes to bed the same day they get up, and think they are having a heck of a time. These are the days of suffragetting; profiteering, rent hogs and excess taxes. If you think life worth living, we wish you a Happy New Year.

The only reason some of us don’t settle down and take a wife, says Jake Gilcher, is because we don’t know whose wife to take.

Lou Delmas says that he has yet to hear of a husband who helped with the dishes and was shot by his wife.

Harry Rinehart has been having a long siege of the flu, and but little, if any, improvement is noticeable. We hope to hear of his recovery soon.

Joshua Hutchinson and Ted Strief did some good work last Monday in leveling down and taking the bumps off Main Street, which makes auto traveling better.

Miss Dorothy Rinehart is now recovering from frostbite on her face, from which she suffered intensely. Miss Madge Cook suffered a like injury, but they are both able to resume teaching.

Mode Page and Curtis Lusk, who are now residing at Ashland, Ore., were here last week attending to business matters. They state that there is but little doing over that way now, but they expect a big boom in the Klamath Falls section in the spring.

January 14, 1925

Ernest Grove, of Eagleville and Frank Addington, of this place, are now taking the Pasteur treatment from Dr. Kennedy for the rabies. The former was exposed to the disease while working with and bleeding a sheep afflicted with the rabies, and the latter was bitten by a coyote he was taking from a trap. Frank Cramton and Young Irman, of Eagleville completed their course of treatment last week. Numerous cases of rabies have been reported from different places, which would indicate that the disease has not been stamped out.

Near Cedarville, Cal., Jan. 8th, 1925, to the wife of Lester Hayes, a son

Near Cedarville, Cal., January 12th, 1925, to the wife of Arthur Dunn, a son

Frank Gunther, an old time resident of Lakeview shot and killed Max Neilon, and shot at another man, last Friday. No details of the shooting has been received.

Postmaster, Thos Wylie was operated on for appendicitis last Friday by Dr. Kennedy, assisted by Dr. Coppedge, of Alturas and is getting along fine at this writing.

At the M. E. parsonage in Cedarville, January 8, 1925, George Wood to Miss Doris Wood, both of Long Valley, Rev. Waggoner officiating. The Record extends congratulations.

January 21, 1925

Modoc Not On The Map
Yreka, Jan. 11 – A demand that the California Development Board make certain modifications in the big map recently unveiled in the Ferry building in San Francisco is contained in resolutions by the Siskiyou County Board of supervisors. According to the allegations contained in the resolution, the town of Dunsmuir has been entirely omitted from the map along with the whole of Modoc County. The above is from the San Francisco Examiner and would indicate that Modoc is unknown to the powers that be, and is another instance of the inefficiency of the white collared gents who are enjoying large salaries at the expense of the people. This map has been in course of construction for many months and cost a large sum of money and leaving out one entire county can only be attributed to gross ignorance or carelessness.

Pioneer Passes
J. H. Derevan, one of the old time residents of Alturas, passed away inst. week and his funeral was conducted under the auspices of the Odd Fellows Lodge, of which Order he was a prominent member for many years. The name of Joe Derevan is a familiar word in fraternal, political and business matters of Modoc County, and while he was living on borrowed time, being 78 years of age, his many friends deeply regret his death.

Serviceman Answers Call
At his ranch in Long Valley, Nevada, near Vya, George Phillip Greathouse passed away, on January 17th, 1925. He had suffered most of the time since returning from the Army in Dec. 1919. George Phillip Greathouse was born near Bridgeville, Humboldt Co., Cal., Nov. 12, 1899. He was the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Greathouse, brother of Myrel Greathouse and Mrs. Ruth V. Leal, of Brownsville, Yuba County; Uncle of Donnie Leal. He received his education in the public and high schools of Humboldt and Mendocino Counties and Santa Rosa, where his father’s people resided and his own family spent the winters for many years. His mother being left a widow in Dec. 1915, young Greathouse left high school to help care for his younger sister and brother, and when the call came for volunteers in April 1917, he was one of first to answer his country’s call. He served two years and nine months, eighteen months of which was spent with the A. E. F. in Siberia, where he contracted tuberculosis of the lungs and stomach. After returning home in the summer of 1919, he did light work for sometime in a mill and box factory at Brownsville, Cal., later on going to the Coast, where his grandmother and uncle reside, but the climate was too severe so he returned home and in the spring of 1923, he came to this part of the State with F. E. Stephenson, now his stepfather, and went with him to Long Valley, Nevada, where he filed on a 640 acre homestead, joining W. M. Stephenson’s ranch there. Being much benefited by the dry climate of a high altitude, he made his home most of the time since, except a few months, which he spent with relatives at Rackerby, Cal. He returned to Long Valley last Oct. with his younger brother, Myrel, to try the winter climate there as he had another set back in health, he decided to make Long Valley his permanent home, as he had been so much improved during his eight months’ visit there before. His father and mother came up here to spend the winter in order to be near him. He had been bedfast since Dec. 6, 1924. Always of a kind and loving nature he was very easily cared for. He was the oldest grandson of Mrs. M. P. Stansberry, of Hydesville, Humboldt Co.: nephew of G. L., W. N. and R. R. Stansberry of Humboldt Co., also of Mrs. Arad Howe of Santa Rosa and Mrs. C. L. Wilson, of Calistoga. His funeral took place from the M. E. Church in Cedarville Monday P.M., directed by Undertaker Kerr and assisted by the I.O.O.F. Order, his stepfather being a member of the Order, services at the Church and grave being conducted by Rev. R. L. Waggoner, pastor of the Church. He spoke of the age old comfort, to which the millions look, and which is a comfort to the stricken mother and which may be summed up in the following lines: “For a little while we are parted from those who love us best -Who gains the goal before us, And enters into rest.” Those acting as pallbearers were; John Reynolds, Ted Strief, Ira A. Darst, Ed Ghrist, Ray Hill, and Lewis Fisher. Interment took place in the Odd Fellows cemetery.

Prof. Lewis is reported on the sick list.

George Miller was thrown from his horse last evening and had his collarbone fractured and otherwise injured.

Near Cedarville, Cal., Jan. 14th, 1925, to the wife of Lemuel L. Lake, a son – Willie Lee Lake, weight eight pounds.

A young man named Taylor Dean was killed one day last week at a sheep camp in the Tule Lake Country by the accidental discharge of a pistol.

Jess Parman and wife were up from Eagleville several days the past week, visiting their daughter, Mrs. Harry Cannon and family.

Joe Dollarhide, formerly of this place, and Miss Capitola Quigley were married at Westwood, Jan. 11th, Rev. Green, officiating.

Mrs. Foster, who lives near Reederville, was bitten on the arm by a dog one day last week. Two days later the dog died of rabies and she is now taking the Pasteur treatment from Dr. Kennedy.

Cressler Robinson and bride arrived last Thursday from Chico and will reside here, and their many friends are glad to see them. They have been touring the southern part of the State on a honeymoon trip.

Card Of Thanks
We thank each person in Surprise Valley and also in Long Valley, for the great kindness shown us, (strangers in your valleys) during the sickness and death of our beloved son and brother, George Phillip Greathouse. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Stephenson M. R. Greathouse Mrs. Ruth V. Leal

While feeding cattle last Sunday, Bert Simson broke thru a board in the hay rack, on which he stepped and in falling he caught hold of top of a stake, which lacerated the palm of his hand, but the wound is not thought to be serious.

January 28, 1925

Birthday Party
A pleasant surprise party was tendered, Mrs. A. T. Harris last Thursday at the residence of Mrs. James Deimer, in honor of her 78th birthday, at which were present, Mesdames A. E. Rinehart, T. B. Sizer, E. R. Tyervar, R. L. Waggoner, Kate Gooch, Wm. Rinehart, Gladys Wentzell, James Deimer, Jesse Strotts, Frank Wheeler. Mrs. Harris is the mother of E. L. Crowel the Long Valley mail contractor, and her may friends wish her the return of many happy birthdays. She was the recipient of a number of handsome presents. Cake and Chocolate were served and a general good social time was had.

Last Monday evening Dr. Kennedy removed the tonsils of Pete Ediverria. It was somewhat of a difficult operation, but was successfully completed and the patient is getting along fine at this writing.

Near Cedarville, Cal., Jan. 26, 1925, to the wife of John Conklin, a son

At Lake City, Cal., Jan. 28, 1925, to the wife of Clinton Jones, a son

At Alturas, Cal., Jan. 17, 1925, to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gloster, a son; weight nine pounds.

W. L. Turner left Monday for San Francisco and may remain there indefinitely, as Mrs. Turner’s health has not improved.

The difference between happiness and trouble is that happiness has to be cranked, while trouble has a self-starter.

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