Surprise Valley Record for January 1926

Surprise Valley Record, Cedarville, Modoc County, California, January 1926

January 6, 1926

Dr. Kennedy performed an operation on M. Chester last week and he is getting along as well as could be expected. The operation was delicate one and owing to Mr. Chesters’ advanced age, the outcome is doubtful.

Dorris Fulcher of Bidwell was shot and slightly wounded by Harry Calderwood last Christmas night. They attended a dance at Adel, where the shooting occurred. Too much moonshine is said to have been the cause of the shooting. Some of the young men in Modoc should take due notice and govern themselves accordingly.

The community property law was decided to be unconstitutional last Monday, and it will be cancelled.

At Alturas, Cal., Jan. 3, 1926, Miss Leone Berthiume to Benjamin Cambron; both of Eagleville, Cal. The Record extends hearty congratulations.

Miss Edna Bonner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Bonner of Alturas, was married to Ernest Brown, of Reno, on December 12th, 1925. Both are students of the University of Nevada and are very popular and their many friends wish them unbounded happiness.

Walter Hussa, John Reynolds and Ira Darst were over at Alturas last Sunday and when they returned we inquired their business over there? Ira said that he went over to get a job as Linesman on a wireless telephone line, and the other two told us to go to that place that Sherman said war was. So you see what we are up against in trying to get the news.

January 13, 1926

In Paradise Valley, Nevada, the people are somewhat disturbed over the appearance there of many thousands of robins, which, they claim never before arrived there till the latter part of February, and the people are predicting an early spring and scarcity of water. They will have correct data about it along in May.

Mrs. Fulton Heard and Mrs. George Warrens of Lake City have both been undergoing a siege of the flu; but are now improving.

Mrs. G. F. Arthur, of New Pine Creek arrived here this week on a visit to her aged mother, Mrs. Beebe, and her son Alfred Sweet.

Mrs. Dora Drouillard, of this place received a message last week from Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Shaw, stating that their eldest daughter, Essie Shaw-Barthall, aged 23 years, died January 6, at Lewiston, Idaho, where her parents have lived for the past sixteen years.

The report reached here few days ago, A. B. Hughes, an old time resident of this place, had died at Sabastopol, Sonoma County. His many old time friends regret to hear of his passing.

January 20, 1926

W. A. Heard is always telling some one to drive carefully. Last Thursday evening on his way to the High School, and there seemed to be just enough snow to play tricks and he was not exceeding 35 miles per hour, the rear wheel decided. The front wheels stayed ahead and the back wheels went clean around them and the car laid over on it’s side in a snow bank. Not a thing was hurt not even the paint; but the driver looked foolish and natural as he climbed out of the window.

Near Cedarville, Cal., Jan. 14, 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Benner, a ten-pound son

At Lake City, Cal., Jan. 13, 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Toney, a daughter – Mary Kathleen Toney.

Mr. and Mrs. Covell were here from the south last week, visiting relatives. Mrs. Covell was formerly Miss Rhea Street.

Wm Stewart of Lake City has been having some trouble with his eyes since having the flu. It’s feared that he may lose the sight of one of them.

While sweeping the floor last Thursday, Mrs. Willie Royce fainted and fell on a heating stove, burning her right arm and the right side of her head severely.

In San Jose, cal., Jan. 11, 1926, Lawrence Fee, of Fort Bidwell and Miss Edna Russell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Russell, formerly of the place.

January 27, 1926

Mrs. Rose Daniels, of Klamath Falls, is here visiting her sister, Mrs. Dora Drouillard this week.

Johnny Estes, one of the pioneer residents of Modoc, died at Oakland last week.

While butchering a beef last Saturday a pole fell on the head of I. S. Brown, injuring him so that he has been unconscious ever since and his condition is considered very grave. Later – Mr. Brown died this morning.

Mrs. Pete Laxague, who was formerly a resident of this place, died in France about two weeks ago. She was a most estimable lady and her many friends regret her death.

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