Surprise Valley Record for July 1925

Surprise Valley Record, Cedarville, Modoc County, California, July 1925

July 1, 1925

Pioneer Resident Passes
Adam E. Rinehart, one of the old time residents of this valley, died at Lakeview last Wednesday evening from a sudden attack of pneumonia. His remains were brought to Cedarville and interred in the Odd Fellows cemetery Friday afternoon, the services being conducted by Rev. R. L. Waggoner, assisted by Cedarville Lodge No. 249, of which Order he has long been a highly esteemed member. The choir rendered several beautiful and appropriate selections. On the 18th inst. he motored to Lakeview, taking with him Mrs. Reese Hawkins and Miss Genevieve Rinehart, and was taken ill the next morning.

Mr. Rinehart was born in Virginia, January 1848. In 1866 he enlisted in the army and served until 1869, when he came west and for many years was engaged in business in this State and Nevada, and in 1875, he came to Surprise Valley. April 26th, 1874, he was married to Miss Margaret Best, the result of that union being six children, one of whom died in infancy.

He is survived by his widow, and three sons and two daughters: William H., Harry E. and Marion Rinehart, Mrs. Thos Sizer and Mrs. Grace Beebe, all of whom reside near Cedarville. He was a man highly esteemed by all who knew him; a man of sterling qualities, a good citizen and a faithful friend. The ranks of the old pioneer settlers are sadly depleted, and in a few years, at best, none will be left to answer the final call. Mr. Rinehart leaves behind to mourn his death, a sorrowing wife and five children to whom a large circle of warm friends extends deepest sympathy in their sad bereavement.

Card Of Thanks
We desire to extend our sincere thanks to all those who so kindly assisted us during our sad bereavement in the death of our husband and father, Adam E. Rinehart, and for the many beautiful floral offerings presented by friends. Mrs. A. E. Rinehart Mr. and Mrs. Wm H. Rinehart and family Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Rinehart and family Mr. and Mrs. Marion Rinehart and family Mr. and Mrs. Thos B. Sizer Mrs. Grace Beebe and family

An auto accident occurred Monday evening a short distance this side of Alturas on the Cedarville road, in which a man driven by a woman, completely wrecking the car and the lady sustained a broken collar bone. The man did not stop to offer assistance and Sheriff Sharp is endeavoring to apprehend him.

J. E. Niles, of the Hotel Niles at Alturas, John Wall and Pete Guler were over from the County seat Friday to attend the funeral of Adam Rinehart.

July 8, 1925

Visits Old Home
Henry Kober and L. F. Billups of Fort Bidwell motored to Klamath Falls some days ago, returning the first of last week, accompanied by Dr. George M. Kober, of Washington, who will visit the scenes of earlier days and renew acquaintances with old time friends. Dr. Kober was one of the first Army surgeons and physicians stationed at Fort Bidwell, where he resided many years and was always in the front ranks of progression and was active in all things pertaining to the welfare of the valley, and made many friends who regretted to see him go, even though it was to a splendid and influential position in Washington with the government. His nephew, Henry M. Kober, conducts the pioneer mercantile store at Fort Bidwell and the Doctor will be his guest while in the valley. While he has passed, the four score milestone he is yet hale and active and bids fair to see many more birthdays come and go.

A Tragic Death
Last Sunday morning Eddie Schadler, of Fort Bidwell, told his wife that he would go up the creek and catch a mess of trout, and not returning in the afternoon, a search was made for him without avail until Monday morning, when his body was found in shallow pool of water. He was an epileptic sufferer and had no doubt fallen in the creek face downward and drowned. He leaves a wife and two small children besides other relatives and his sudden and tragic death was a shock to the entire community, and deepest sympathy is extended to the bereaved ones in their sad affliction. Undertaker Kerr went up and had charge of the arrangements for the funeral, which will probably take place today.

Mrs. Mabel Stimers arrived from Ashland, Ore., last week on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Wentzell.

Ed Green motored to Gerlach last week and brought back Mrs. John Benner, who will visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Dyke for a time.

Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hudspeth, formerly of Surprise but now residents of Long Beach, arrived here yesterday on a visit to the old home place and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Allenwood, parents of Mrs. Hudspeth.

A young man by the name of Stanley Powell fell off a haystack yesterday at Duck Lake and had his hip broken by the fall. He was brought here and is now at the Hotel Surprise under Dr. Kennedy’s care, and is doing as well as could be expected.

July 15, 1925

Death Of Eddie Schadler
The unexpected death of Edward Lawrence Schadler, which occurred at Big Valley, Oregon, on July 5th, has cast a gloom of sorrow over the entire community where he was reared. While on an outing at Big Valley, fishing, in company with his wife and children, and his wife” mother and father, the pleasure of the outing was turned to sorrow. It will probably never be known the exact circumstances which caused his death; but it is presumed that while along the stream he had a sinking spell and had gone to the water to bathe his head, as he was found in the stream of water only about four or five inches deep face downward.

Mr. Schadler was born in Fort Bidwell, Oct. 4, 1900, and was a graduate of the Surprise valley union High School, with high honors, to such a degree of excellency that Hon. John E. Raker saw in “Eddie,” as he was familiarly known, a promising young man of ability and character and was instrumental in getting an appointment for Eddie as one of the two allotted in the Congressional District to take the examination for Scholarship to enter the Military academy at Annapolis. In the Spring of 1918, Eddie, his father and a friend departed by auto for Red Bluff, Cal., the appointed place where said examination was held, but misfortune overtook the party by the sudden death of Eddies’ father in Mt. Burney. His ever loyalty and love for his devoted mother and sister did not permit him to leave home at this time and thus sacrificed all the once bright future in store for him. Eddie Schadler possessed a lovable personality; everyone who knew him, so far as he would permit without sacrificing a decent self respect, was called a friend by him. He was of Nature’s nobility. For the sorrowing widow and two little babes, a devoted mother and other kindred we tender our sincere condolence in this their hour of sorrow, which they have sustained through the sudden fiat of a Divine Providence.

It is hoped that from an honorable and unspotted life mingling with an unshaken faith that the family chain temporarily broken will be reunited.

We are sorry to hear that Mr. Hobb’s condition is not improving.

Jeff Poindexter, and old and well-known resident of Modoc, was burned to death in a bunkhouse destroyed by fire at the Dorris ranch neat Alturas one night last week. His many friends regret to hear of his tragic end.

Card Of Thanks
We wish to thank the people and kind friends of fort Bidwell for their assistance and kindness shown in the hour of our bereavement by the loss of our dear one, Edward Lawrence Schadler. Mrs. V. R. Schadler Dorothy Schadler Mrs. Grace Schadler Mrs. A. M. Kafader Mr. and Mrs. Thos Fox and relatives

Lake City Cor. To Plaindealer:
Word was received that Miss Opal Strief and Swen Brevod, both of San Jose, were married the 1st of July and left after the ceremony on a trip to Seattle, Was., by auto, then by boat to Van Couver, B. C. They expect to be absent about six weeks. Both are former residents of this valley, the bride being a graduate of S. V. U. H. S. School and the San Jose Normal. She is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Strief. After their return they will reside at San Jose where Mr. Brevod and Mr. Strief are partners in a grocery store.

July 22, 1925

Former Residents Die
Information was received here last week of the death of Henry Hironymous, one of the old time residents of this place at Berkeley. His many friends here regret to hear of his passing. Coincident with the report of his death, comes the news of the death of Mrs. A. N. Fegtley, of Burns, Ore., brother-in-law and sister of Mrs. F. L. Roberts and Mrs. P. K. Heard of this valley. The Record extends sincere sympathy in their bereavement.

Old Timer Returns
I. Wallenberg, who, with his brother, formerly conducted a mercantile business in the T. H. Johnstone store here years ago, arrived from San Francisco last Friday on a short visit to his old stamping ground. He is now engaged in the mercantile business in S. F. and is doing well. He left yesterday for Lake Tahoe, where he will spend a couple of weeks vacation. His old time friends were glad to see him again.

Mrs. Emma Addington spent last Sunday at Canby visiting her daughter, Mrs. Deihless Dollarhide and family.

Lafe Brown had his arm broken one day last week by being thrown from a mower on a ranch in the lower end of the valley.

In Berkeley, Cal., July 15, 1925, to Mr. and Mrs. O. Haviside, a daughter- Margaret – Elizabeth Haviside. Mrs. Haviside was formerly Miss Mary Bonner, of this place.

July 29, 1925

Called By Death
Henry Hironymous one of the early day residents of this place, was born in Sacramento County in 1861 and died at Menlo Park, Cal., July 10, 1925.

He was the eldest son of Jesse Hironymous and came to Surprise valley in 1872 and remained here until 1895, when he moved to Carson Valley and later to Mason Valley, Nevada, and from there to Menlo Park, California. While operating a machine for mixing food for chickens he received a wound in the arm, which resulted in blood poisoning and tetanus causing his death in a few days. He leaves a wife, two sons, Roy and Gerald, on daughter, Kathleen, two sisters, Mrs. Minerva Morgan and Mrs. Gertrude Dangberg and one brother, Frank Hironymous to mourn his death.

Harry Lighty, of Ashland is here visiting his niece, Mrs. Wm. H. Rinehart.

In Cedarville, Cal., July 24, 1925, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rea, ten-pound boy.

In Cedarville, Cal., July 25, 1925, to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Spalding, a daughter

A message was received here Sunday evening stated that Ellery Phillips had died at Selma, after undergoing an operation for appendicitis. He leaves six children and other relatives and many friends to mourn his death. He was for many years a resident of this place.

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