Surprise Valley Record for June 1924

Surprise Valley Record, Cedarville, Modoc County, California, June 1924

Wednesday June 4, 1924

The many friends of Ellsworth Scammon were shocked last week when the report was in circulation that he died at Westwood. However, late telegrams failed to confirm the report, and we are informed by Westwood parties that Ellsworth has passed the crisis and is now on the road to recovery, which his many friends will be glad to hear.

At Alturas, Cal., June 1, 1924, Ellis R. Adams to Miss Grace Jones. The many friends of the newly married couple extend hearty congratulations and wish them peace happiness and prosperity as they travel over the rugged road of life.

At the Baptist Parsonage at Lakeview, Ore., May 31, 1924, Miss Rachel Truell-Brown and Leonard L. Lake, of Lakeview, Ore. The bride is the foster daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Brown of this place, and has many friends here who extend congratulation.

Wednesday June 11, 1924

Passing Of A Noble Woman Mrs. Mary Jones, received a telegram on May 24, of the death of her mother, Mrs. Mary J. Heard, who passed away at Sacramento, Cal., at the home of her daughter, Mrs. K. G. Heard, May 23, 1924. The body was brought home to Lake City for burial, F. S. Heard and Mrs. Maggie Wilson accompanied it, reaching Alturas, Monday evening they were met at the train by W. A. Heard and J. H. Hutchinson.

The funeral services were held at the Baptist Church at 10 o’clock on the 28th of May, Elder T. E. Griffith of New Pine Creek, Oregon, conducting the services, the sermon being preached from 1 Cor. 15:55. Mary Jane Pate was born at Claybern Parish, LA, February 9, 1841. She was married to K. G. Heard, June 7, 1857. Ten children were born to them, one son dying in early Childhood. The family moved from LA, to Texas in 1861, and started across the plains with ox teams in April 1883, reaching Surprise Valley the following October.

They were accompanied on this journey by G. W. Reynolds and family, also D. H. Lighty, wife and daughter, now Mrs. May Yates. This has been Mrs. Heard’s home ever since until four years ago, when she went to Sacramento, Cal., with her daughter, Mrs. Wilson with whom she has made her home for seventeen years. Grandma Heard became a Christian in early life, uniting with the Baptist Church in LA. and in 1884, she became a member with her husband of the First Baptist Church of Surprise Valley. She was a patient sufferer for two and one half years, but she was always cheerful, knowing that “All things work together for good to them that love the Lord.” Many beautiful flowers were sent by friends and relatives in Sacramento and also in this valley.

Seven sons and two daughters survive their mother; husband and father passed away, July 29, 1893. Fulton, Peter and William Heard and Mrs. Mary Jones of Lake City, Cal., K. G. Heard and Mrs. Maggie Wilson of Sacramento, Cal., Pete K. Heard, of Eagleville, Cal., and Thos Heard of Looking Glass, Oregon, and Charles Heard of Medford, Oregon, also two aged brothers, Andrew and Jefferson Pate of Texas. Besides her children, she leaves thirty-six grandchildren, forty-two great grandchildren also 15 who have passed on, making a total of one hundred and two descendents of her own blood.

We cannot emphasize too greatly when we say she was a wonderful Christian woman, and all who knew her loved her.
Five great grand sons and one great grand son acted as pallbearers. Namely, Vance and Vere Heard, Keith and Gherald Wilson, Harold Hutchinson and Claude Heard. It was a beautiful and touching sight to see these six young men paying their last tribute of love to their grandmother, who watched them grew from infancy to manhood. So, Grandma Heard has gone to her long home, and while the Choir sang “In the Sweet Bye and Bye” and “Beautiful Beckoning Hands,” we knew she was with the Savior, she loved so well and served so faithfully for one half century. She was laid to rest beside her husband in the Lake City Cemetery to await the Resurrection morning. One of her granddaughters.

Wednesday June 18, 1924

Miss Eva Snelling was brought to Lakeview from S. F. She is suffering from cancer and her condition is said to be critical.

At Lake City, Cal., June 2, 1924, to Mr. and Mrs. John Largent, a daughter.

Mrs. B. B. Robinson and Miss Maybeth Miller are now enjoying an outing in Big Valley, Oregon.

Pleads Guilty
Ray and Lloyd Heard, of Lake City, were brought before Judge Hayes, Monday, charged with assault. They plead guilty to the charge and the former was sentenced to pay a fine of $175 and the latter $250. Pretty stiff fine, but a few jolts like that may create more respect for the law and improve social conditions. Some of our Cedarville young men should sit up and take notice.

Wednesday June 25, 1924

It is reported here that George Morgan, one of the old residents of this valley died suddenly at Eagleville yesterday evening.

Grandma Bare, of Lake City, is reported to be in a somewhat serious condition, caused by stroke of apoplexy.

Mrs. Christie Smith of Bidwell suffered a stroke of apoplexy some days ago and is reported to be in a serious condition.

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