Surprise Valley Record for March 1926

Surprise Valley Record, Cedarville, Modoc County, California, March 1926

March 3, 1926

Mrs. Christie Smith is reported in a serious condition this week.

“Grandpa” Mickle is also reported very ill and his recovery is thought to be impossible.

Dr. J. R. Smith, dentist of this place received the sad news yesterday morning that his mother had passed away at Modesto and he at once left for Alturas.

Louis Simms was brought over from Alturas last night, suffering with a severe attack of appendicitis and was found necessary to operate on him at once, which was done by Dr. M. R. Kennedy and he is getting along as well as could be expected.

Auto Accident
While returning to Alturas from Cedarville last Monday evening the car occupied by a Mr. Green and Attorney J. S. Henderson ran off the grade, about a half mile this side of where the road intersects with the Lakeview road and turned over three times. Mr. Green’s thigh was broken and chest badly bruised and Mr. Henderson sustained a broken leg and the car was badly wrecked. Mr. Green is said to be very seriously injured. He was driving and it is thought that in coming down the grade the sun was directly in front of him, which evidently blinded him for a moment when the accident occurred. The injured men were taken to Alturas and everything possible was done for them.

At Eagleville, Cal., March 1, 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. Pete Ytzaina, a son

At Lake City, Cal., March 1, 1926, to the wife of Alfred Warmack, a son

At Eagleville, Cal., Feb. 28, 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Murphey, a son, weight 11 pounds

Dr. Kennedy performed an operation on Mrs. Marion Rinehart last Thursday for appendicitis and she is getting along nicely.

March 10, 1926

Death Of “grandpa” Mickle John Chisholm
Mickle died at Cedarville at the home of his son Wm Mickle last Monday morning, March 8th, 1926. He was born in Canada, May 4, 1838, being 87 years, 10 months and 4 days of age. In early manhood, he was married to Mary Knight Purdy, to which union five children were born. Fred Mickle of Cottonwood, Arizona; Mrs. Ida Johnson of Williamsdale, Nova Scotia; Mrs. Belle Niles of High River, Canada; John D. Mickle of Portland, Oregon; Will A. Mickle of Cedarville, Calif. He came to California during active mining time, making two trips, both by way of what was then the Isthmus of Panama. He spent a number of years in California following mining and black-smithing, later moving to Oregon, where he remained till thirteen years ago, when he took up his home with his son, Will, near Cedarville. He was highly esteemed by all who knew him and his large circle of friends deeply regret his passing and extend sympathy to the bereaved family. He was a devout Christian man and loved by all who knew him. His remains were interred yesterday in the Odd fellows’ cemetery, the funeral being conducted by Revs. M. J. Williams and Walter Heard.

Card Of Thanks
To the many friends who remembered us with kindly words and deeds, during our late bereavement, we extend our heartfelt thanks. W. A. Mickle and family

Answer Last Call
Last Sunday, March 7th, Mrs. Virgie Smith, wife of Christie Smith, answered the last summons and passed into the Great Beyond. For the past two years she has been an uncomplaining sufferer from paralysis, and while everything possible was done for her it was without avail, and she passed away at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Kerr. She was born at Fort Bidwell fifty-three years ago this month and resided there until she came here in order that she might receive medical treatment. Mrs. Smith was highly esteemed by all who knew her. She is survived by her husband and a daughter, Mrs. Frankie Kerr, of this place, her father, Frank Smith, and a sister, Mrs. Ed McConnaughy, of Fort Bidwell, to whom is extended the sincere sympathy of a large circle of friends. Her funeral took place at Bidwell yesterday, under the auspices of the Eastern Star Chapter of that place, of which she was an honored and active member.

Miss Hope Ward has been suffering with tonsillitis and has resigned her position with Mrs. Ray Hill.

Born At Eagleville, Cal., March 4, 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wimer, a daughter, weight 11 pounds.

Pete Laxague has closed his barber shop in the Polly Green building and is employed in Mr. Gentry’s shop.

Mrs. R. G. Adams returned last week from Sacramento, where she spent several months visiting her daughters, Mrs. Everett Wilson and Miss Elma Adams.

Chester Fransway, of Lake City, had the misfortune of fracturing his wrist last Thursday, caused by falling off of a haystack. Dr. Kennedy attended the injury.

Emmett R. Hughes and Mrs. Mary Buker, of this valley, were married at Alturas on the 3rd inst. The Record extends congratulations to the newly wedded couple.

Mrs. Mary Hansen returned last night, after spending several months at Huntington Beach, visiting her daughter, Mrs. Carl Warrens.

Mrs. John Royce, of this place died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Edna Cannon, at Alturas, last Monday evening. She has been ill for a long time and was recently taken to Lakeview for treatment, and then to Alturas, where she passed away. Her remains will be brought here for interment this afternoon, we understand.

Mrs. Annie Largent, of Lake City and William C. Aikins were married at Alturas on the 4th inst. They are highly esteemed people and a large circle of friends extend heartiest congratulations. They expect to reside at Lake City.

March 17, 1926

Death Of Mrs Wm Rinehart
Mrs. Maude Rinehart, wife of W. E. Rinehart died at her home here last Monday evening, death being caused from pneumonia, with which she was stricken last Wednesday evening. Maude White was born in Texas in 1879, and came to this valley with Harry Lighty and family in 1894. She was married to Will. E. Rinehart and the result of that union was three children; Edward, aged 18, Raymond, 8, and Vera, 6 years to whom is extended the deepest sympathy of the entire community. For about 20 years she lived with her husband in Nevada and last year she moved to Cedarville that the children might attend school. Her sudden death was a shock to her many friends here where she was held in high esteem. Her funeral will take place this afternoon when her remains will be interred in the Cedarville Cemetery.

Passing Of Mrs. John Royce
After a lingering illness of many months, Mrs. Georgia Royce, wife of John Royce passed away at Alturas last week and her remains were brought to Cedarville and interred last Thursday. Rev. Williams officiating at the cemetery. In early life, she was married to John Royce and a result of that union was six children, four of whom survive her. Besides her husband and children, she leaves four sisters, five brothers and aged mother to mourn her loss, and to whom many friends extend sincere sympathy in their hour of sorrow. The funeral was attended by a large number of relatives and friends.

The many friends of Mrs. Thos Sizer deeply regret to learn that she is seriously ill this week.

Mrs. D. A. Cunningham received a wire from Red Bluff last Friday, stating that her sister had died at that place, and they left at once to attend the funeral.

Card Of Thanks
I wish to thank my many friends for their kind sympathy and thoughtfulness in my resent bereavement, the loss of my mother. J. A. Smith, Dentist

Card Of Thanks
We desire to here by extend our thanks to the people of this valley for the many acts of kindness and favors conferred during the illness and death of our beloved wife and mother. Christie Smith Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kerr

Card Of Thanks
We wish to heartily thank the people of Cedarville for their cooperation and heroic work in saving our building, the Western Garage, from being burned last Wednesday evening. Thos D. Jones W. E. Van Dorn

March 24, 1926

Dog Had Rabies
Some days ago while Homer Beeson and wife that were returning home from town they saw a pup lying in the road. It seemed that the pup had been dropped from a passing machine and was hurt. Mr. and Mrs. Beeson took the pup home and cared for it and in a few days it exhibited strong signs of the rabies and it was killed and the head sent below for analysis and the returns were that he had a bad case of the rabies. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Beeson and son, George Beeson and son and a young man by the name of Jackson are now taking treatment for the rabies as they handled the dog during its sickness.

Dr. Kennedy removed the tonsils of the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Heron of Long Valley.

Clarence, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McCulley, is reported seriously ill with pneumonia.

Dr. Kennedy performed an operation for appendicitis on the young son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred DeWitt about midnight Monday. It was an emergency case and the patient is getting along as well could be expected.

James W. Pope one of the old and highly respected citizens of Modoc passed away at his home near Canby last week at the ripe old age of 90 years. It will not be long until the last of the old guard will have crossed to the great beyond.

What is the dope that W. A. Heard is putting in people’s tires? Some one says it keeps the outside are out and the inside air in, in spite of the nails.

March 31, 1926

Mrs. Lena Hawkins and Mrs. Hartley, among others, were down from Lakeview last Wednesday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Wm Rinehart.

As we go to press we hear that Simon Bennett and Mrs. Nora Street, both of this place, were married at Alturas last evening. The record extends heartiest congratulations to the newly weds.

Mrs. Orville Hotchkiss has been quite ill recently and last week she was taken to San Francisco, with the hope that relief would be obtained. Her many friends hope to hear of her complete recovery.

Card Of Thanks
We desire to hereby extend our heartfelt thanks to our friends who so kindly assisted and conferred favors during the illness of our beloved wife and mother, and especially do we appreciate the large floral offerings by friends in Lakeview. Wm. Rinehart and family

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