Surprise Valley Record for March 1925

Surprise Valley Record, Cedarville, Modoc County, California, March 1925

March 3, 1925

Married – In Fresno, Cal., February 21, 1925, Miss Marie Phillips to Leo M. Brown. She is the daughter of Ellery Phillips, former residents of this place and her friends tender their congratulations to the newly wedded couple.

Miss Ruby Hill and Edgar Harris, both formerly of this place, were married on February 21st at Stockton. The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hill, and the groom is a son of Mr. Jas Harris, and both were reared in Surprise Valley where and they have hosts of friends, who have known them all their lives, who extend heartiest congratulations.

Born – Near Cedarville, Cal., Feb. 26th, 1925, to the wife of Max Schlemmer, a son.

We understand that Mrs. Maggie Wimer has been appointed postmistress at Lake City. A good appointment.

Vern Linville and wife and little son were over last Sunday, visiting Mrs. Linville’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Powers, of Eagleville.

March 11, 1925

Mrs. Joshua Strief is seriously ill with the flu.

Old Pioneer Passes The death of John R. Baty removes another pioneer settler of this valley. The end came at the residence of Mrs. Wm Hill, at Modesto, where he was visiting. Coming to this valley and settling at Fort Bidwell when this part of the State was teeming with hostile Indians, his life was one of excitement, thrilling adventures and danger. He was a good neighbor, thoroughly imbued with old fashioned hospitality, and his latch string was always on the outside of his door, and he will be sadly missed in the community in which he has lived so long. John R. Baty was born in Ohio, September 3, 1839 and died March 5, 1925. He came to California in the 60’s by way of the Panama route and located at Fort Bidwell and was married to Miss Laura Mason, daughter of Judge Mason, of Lake County, Ore., Oct. 30, 1870. To this union twelve children were born, and reared on the old home place at Bidwell. They are as follows: Thos Baty, Montana; Ella Baty, decreased; Mrs. I. S. McGowan, Los Angeles; Mrs. I. H. Skillman, Fort Bidwell; Mrs. H. Bardue, San Francisco; Mrs. E. G. Peterson, Fort Bidwell Virgie Skillman, deceased; Mrs. W. D. Hill, Modesto; Mrs. W. W. Hughes, Roseburg; Mrs. R. L. Watson, San Luis Obispo; Carol Baty, Eagleville; Mrs. T. J. Wylie, Cedarville. To them sincere sympathy of a large circle of friends is extended in their sad bereavement. The remains were accompanied from Modesto to Fort Bidwell by his daughter, Mrs. W. D. Hill and were interred in the Bidwell cemetery last Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. Joshua Strief of Lake City is reported seriously ill, and her daughter, Nellie arrived from San Jose last Monday to be at her bedside. We hope to hear of her recovery soon.

The Sacramento Bee reports the issuance of a marriage license to Harold J. Powers and Miss Marie Street, of this place.

Miss Opal Reynolds arrived here from Westwood last week and will visit relatives here for a few days before returning to the big lumber town.

Died At Middletown, Lake Co., Cal., Feb. 26, 1925, Cora A., wife of A. O. Stanley, and mother of Mrs. Etta Hays, of Petaluma, Cal., Edwin Stanley, of Middletown, Cal., and A. M. Stanley, of Santa Ana, aged 64 years.

March 18, 1925

Mrs. Laura Clark Passes
Mrs. Laura E. Clark died March 4th, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ella Collier at the ripe age of eighty-six years. She was born New York State in 1839. Married to John Clark at Broadhead, Wisconsin, in 1862 and crossing the plains with his bride, locating in this of California. The family home was at Greenville until the death of Mr. Clark, which occurred in 1890, since which Mrs. Clark lived with her daughter, Mrs. Largent, of Lake City, until two years ago when she came to Westwood to spend her remaining years of her life with another daughter, Mrs. Collier, at whose home she passed away. The funeral was held on the 6th inst., in Greenville, under the auspices of the Rebekah Lodge No. 380, for which she was a member, Rev. R. Green, of Westwood officiated.

Mrs. Joshua Strief who has been seriously ill is slowly convalescing.

While going past the Cottonwood Schoolhouse last Friday evening, something went wrong with the steering gear of the auto driven by Frank Page and the machine left the road, running through a wire fence and turned completely over and alighting right side on its wheels, demolishing the top of the car and otherwise damaging it. Frank Page was badly injured, having four ribs broken; Bud Peter’s right arm was broken between the wrist and the elbow and Harry Wilson had his right hand badly cut. Dr. Smith is taking care of their injures.

Married in San Francisco
Sacramento, March 10 – Associates of Harold J. Powers, minute clerk of the Senate and son of Senator F. J. Powers made public his “secret” marriage to Marie Street, of Cedarville, Modoc County, student at the San Jose Teachers’ College by showering the confused and astonished benedict with rice at the close of the Senate session today. Young Powers, who did not even take his father into his confidence, slipped quietly to San Francisco, during the Senate adjournment, met his fiancée and the two were married Saturday morning. Monday both were back at their desks, Mrs. Powers at the State Teachers’ College in San Jose, Mr. Powers holding down his job in the Senate. One of his associates glancing at the marriage license column of a San Francisco paper, discovered the secret, however, and the rice shower demonstration was staged as penalty for his secrecy. The wedding is the culmination of a youthful romance, began during the couple’ school days in Modoc County. The demonstration, appropriately enough, came just after the two appropriation bills, aggregating $480,500 giving the San Jose State Teachers’ College additional funds for salaries and for the purchase of an athletic field had been passed by the Senate.

Mrs. Irving Snow is reported quite ill this week.

Mrs. Martha Wylie and Mrs. Orvis Decious are reported on the sick list this week.

Born – Near Cedarville, Cal., March 5, 1925, to Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Cloud, a son, weight eight pounds – James Steven Cloud.

Miss Pearl Watson of Lake City underwent a surgical operation by Dr. Kennedy last Friday, and we are informed that she is getting along nicely.

Dr. Kennedy performed a major operation on Mrs. A. R. Allenwood yesterday, and while the case is a very serious one she is getting along as well as could be expected.

Theodore Turner and Everett Benner arrived today, the former from Oakland and the latter from Napa. Theodore will visit his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Stimers and Everett is returning from a visit to his father, A. L. Benner, of Napa.

Thos Phillips was sentenced last week to an indeterminate sentence of from one to fifteen years in the State prison for burglary, and Vivian Nunnelly was sentenced to the reform school at Preston until he is of age and then placed on probation for five years for being an accomplice to the crime.

Claude Heard, who resides in the northern part of town, was somewhat surprised one morning last week on going out to his barn and finding a yearling buck deer in his corral. On his appearance, the deer commenced making frantic efforts to escape and finally ran against the fence, striking it with its head and breaking its neck. The animal had leaped over the fence into the corral, but in its fright had attempted to go thru the fence. The carcass was dressed and shipped to Alturas and turned over to the County Hospital.

March 25, 1925

Neighborly Act
Yesterday a party consisting of Warren Robinson, Floyd Stimers, Roy Gooch, Bernard Benner, Bert Nema, Sylvester Allen, and Guy Gooch with seventeen horses and a tractor went down to the Allenwood ranch and spring-tooth his alfalfa and put in his grain crop. This was a kindly neighborly act, owing to the illness of Mrs. Allenwood, which prevented her husband from doing the work.

Born – Near Eagleville, Cal., March 23rd, 1925, to the wife of Somer Beeson, a daughter

Mrs. A. R. Allenwood, who was operated on last week by Dr. Kennedy, is reported to be getting along nicely.

Mrs. James Trimble arrived here from Calistoga last week to help nurse her daughter, Mrs. A. R. Allenwood, during her illness.

B. B. Robinson and wife returned last evening from a trip to Reno, where they visited S. O. Cressler, whose health is improved slightly.

Mrs. Charles Kafader of Fort Bidwell was here last Saturday and informed us that Mr. Kafader had disposed of his stock of groceries to C. G. Lowell and that they will shortly leave for the lower part of the State. Mr. and Mrs. Kafader’s many friends deeply regret to see them depart; but wish them prosperity wherever the may go.

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