Surprise Valley Record for November 1925

Surprise Valley Record, Cedarville, Modoc County, California, November 1925

November 4, 1925

Elsworth G. Scammon, well known in Modoc, as he was born and raised here, received the well-merited honor of being appointed a member of the National Economic League, of which there are only six members allotted to this State. This connects him up with the biggest men of the Nation, a fact of which his many Modoc friends feel justly proud.

Died At Fort Bidwell, Cal., Oct. 26, 1925, Frederick George Messner, aged 50 years, 3 months and 19 days.

Frederick George Messner was born at South Fork, Siskiyou County, Calif., and came to Bidwell in 1884. His passing was a shock to the entire community, altho he had two previous attacks of heart trouble, and seemed to have had a premonition of an early passing, by plans made for the family and remarks to different persons. He was well as usual in the morning and was talking to one of his sons, asking him the time of the day. He drew out his watch and said “Twenty minutes of seven,” threw up his hands, gave a queer cry and fell. A doctor was called and everything possible was done to revive him.

A Coroner’s inquest was held, J. D. Watson, Justice of the Peace, officiating in the absence of Mr. Kerr. Mr. Messner was a man of high honor and strict integrity and was respected by all. His death coming so soon after that of his sister, Mrs. O. W. Jacobs makes a double sorrow for the family. He was a member of the Masonic Order and Woodmen of the World. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Lulu Messner; three sons, Laurance, Vance and Oliver and One daughter, Freda, his mother and one brother, of Adel, and one sister, Mrs. Cronin, of Adel. The sympathy of the entire community is with them all.

“Let not your hearts be troubled. I go to prepare a place for you, that where I am ye may be also. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”

Arrested Last week,
John Sharp found and arrested Arthur Pepperdine in Oklahoma and arrived with him at Alturas last Sunday night. When arrested Pepperdine had only 25 cents, and was working, boarding himself.

Bob Cantrall, former resident of this place, was over last week on a short visit. Bob is one of the old pioneer residents of Modoc and predicts from certain conditions winter ahead will be an “open one,” with plenty of rain.

Card Of Thanks
We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to all our neighbors and friends, to the members of the Masonic Order, Woodmen of the World and the choir, for their kindness and help in our sorrow. Mrs. Lulu Messner and family

November 11, 1925

Last Friday evening at 9:30 o’clock, there occurred at Canby, Modoc County, the death of Mrs. Deihless Dollarhide, the wife of Amasa Dollarhide. The end came at the birth of the mother’s eleventh child, both mother and babe being the victims of the great Destroyer. Mrs. Deihless Dollarhide, whose maiden name was Addington, was born in Cedarville, Cal., Sept. 12, 1885, and at the time of her death was 40 years, 1 month and 24 days. She spent her childhood, maidenhood and young womanhood in Surprise Valley. Twenty-two years ago, she was united in marriage at Alturas with Amasa Dollarhide, and from this union eleven children were born, nine of whom remain to mourn her loss: Gerald, Ilybell, Erma, Emma, Floyd, Elva, Lois, Elmer, Darrell, besides the bereaved husband. Among mourning relatives are her mother, Mrs. Emma Addington, five brothers and four sisters, Jesse, Henry, Leslie, Frank, and Orren Addington: Sisters, Mrs. J. Dollarhide, Mrs. P. Dollarhide, Mrs. Lizzie Metzker and Mrs. Josie Shedd of this place. The funeral was held in the Cedarville Church on Sunday afternoon at two o’clock, the service being conducted by Rev. M. J. Williams. A mixed quartet furnished the music and the interment was in the Cedarville Cemetery. A large number of relatives and friends filled the church to overflowing, and this large attendance bore silent testimony to the high esteem in which the deceased was held. The entire community unites in sympathy for the motherless children, and the bereaved husband and mourning relatives.

Dr Goodearle Passes Dr. J. H. Goodearle passed away here this morning at six o’clock. He has resided here for the past ten or fifteen years, practicing his profession, that of dentistry. For years, he has been a sufferer from rheumatism, which was the cause of his death. He leaves a daughter in Oroville and a sister some where in the southern part of the State. He was a man of peculiar temperament, but had many friends who deeply regret his death.

Sylvester Allen was reported quite ill last week, is improving now.

In Cedarville, Cal., Nov. 6, 1925, to the wife of George Wood, of Long Valley, a son

Dr. Coates was called from Bidwell Saturday to attend Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McCulley’s little boy, who was ill for a few days last week.

Mrs. E. L. Dunnivan, mother of Prof. E. R. Tyeryar, came down from Bidwell Saturday and left for her home at Cottage Grove, Sunday morning.

Mrs. Anders and daughter, Mrs. Moss and a son, of Fall River, and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dollarhide and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dollarhide, of Westwood, were here to attend the funeral of Mrs. Deihless Dollarhide last Sunday.

Card Of Thanks
We desire to express our sincere thanks to the friends and neighbors, who kindly assisted us at the time of the death and funeral of Mrs. Deihless Dollarhide. Amasa Dollarhide and family Mrs. Emma Addington and family

Mrs. E. L. McDonough, who has been conducting the Williams Hotel at Bidwell for the past five or six years, has retired from the business and will spend the winter in Florida. She was a splendid hostess and her many friends deeply regret her departure.

A. L. Page, 82, and Mrs. Marilla Ladd, 66, surprised their friends by getting married at Alturas last Wednesday, and continuing on their way down to the Sacramento Valley. The Record, with their many friends, extend hearty congratulations to newly married couple.

November 18, 1925

Charles Wallace, for many years resident of Fort Bidwell, passed away at Lakeview last Sunday night, following a surgical operation. He had been practically an invalid for a good many years past, and was a member of the I.O.O.F. Lodge at Bidwell, which conducted his funeral yesterday afternoon, Charley had a large number of friends who regret to hear of his death.

Joseph Henry Goodearle, born in Whitewater, Wisconsin, in 1862, was the son of Joseph Henry and Synthia Jennings Goodearle. After completing his common school education, he entered the Chicago Dental College. After graduation he practiced in Wisconsin. For a good many years he has been a practicing dentist in the State of California, coming in early days. About 1902, he was married and in 1903, a baby daughter came to brighten his life, and he since lived for her alone, her mother having passed away when his daughter was a tiny baby. About fifteen years ago he came to Cedarville, where he has practiced his profession and man people here have cause to feel grateful to him for work donated and for the very moderate price charged. His remains were taken to Gerlach by Thos Jones last Sunday, and shipped from there to Oroville for interment, and were accompanied by his sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Dummer, of Glendale.

The Doctor has never bee very strong, but his passing was a shock to his relatives and friends. In his passing, he leaves to mourn his departure his daughter, Joi, of Modesto, Cal., Clayton Goodearle, of Nashbotah, Wis., and Dr. L. M. Goodearle, of Milwaukee, Wis., and five sisters; Mary Lugg, of Whitewater, Wis., Sarah Hennessey, of Janesville, Wis., Jessie Welkos, of Elkhorn, Wis., I. G. DeWolfe, of Clinton, Wis., and Mrs. Hugo a. Dummer, of Glendale, Cal.

In Cedarville, Cal., Nov. 16th, 1925, to Mr. and Mrs. John Hawkins, a daughter

Herman Connard, of this place, received a wire last Monday, announcing the death of his mother at Red Bluff, and he and his wife left immediately left for that place.

Card Of Thanks
To those who so kindly have given loving kindness in this hour of sadness, we give our sincere thanks, for he who gives to one of His children is called blessed. Joi Goodearle Mrs. Hugo A. Dummer and family

Last week we had the pleasure of meeting two of the Sunny South’s most charming people, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo A. Dummer, of Glendale, Cal. Mrs. Dummer is a sister of the late Dr. Goodearle and came here on the sad mission of accompanying his remains to their last resting-place in the Oroville cemetery.

November 25, 1925

Committed Suicide
Last Sunday evening Robert Spalding committed suicide by blowing the top of his head off, using a shotgun. It seems that he was working on one of Dan Royce’s ranches on Joseph Creek and the family living at the ranch had gone visiting and on returning after dark, stumbled over the body of the unfortunate man, while looking for matches to light the lamp. He was unmarried and left nothing to indicate the cause of the rash act. Coroner Kerr was called and the inquest resulted in verdict of suicide.

Vincent Caldwell, Supervisor of the 5th District, died at Alturas last Sunday night from pneumonia. He was a young man and highly esteemed by all who knew him and he will be missed in the County.

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