Surprise Valley Record for October 1924

Surprise Valley Record, Cedarville, Modoc County, California, October 1924

Wednesday October 1, 1924

A “Shower”

Last Thursday afternoon, Mrs. B. B. Robinson entertained the members of Bonner Chapter, No. 232, who tendered a shower in honor of Miss Maybeth Miller, who is soon to become the bride of John Reynolds – the date of the wedding has not been announced. “Why did I Kiss That Girl” was played on the grafonola, then each responded with a “stunt” as their names were called, after which refreshments were served and a delightful time was had. The Chapter presented the bride-to-be with an elegant dinner set and other presents and also showered her with hearty congratulations and best wishes for future happiness. The following were present: Mrs. Grant Adams, Mrs. Seyton Baker, Mrs. C. E. Cummins, Mrs. Thos Hayes, Mrs. D. S. Denehy, Miss Gay Delmas, Mrs. Roy Gooch, Mrs. W. E. Hill, Miss Cassie Johnstone, Mrs. Frank Kerr, Mrs. Leon B. Lewis, Mrs. Wm Mullins, Miss Mary Mullins, Mrs. George S. Miller, Mrs. L. N. Pabst, Mrs. Jas Patterson, Mrs. Prewitt, Mrs. Warren Robinson, Mrs. Christy Smith, Mrs. R. H. Stanley, Miss Faye Stanley, Mrs. Jennie Simson, Mrs. Bert Simson, Mrs. Thos Sizer, Mrs. John Sly, Mrs. Nora Street, Mrs. Jesse Stiner, Mrs. Irving W. Snow, Mrs. Wm Turner, Mrs. Raymond Turner, Mrs. Martha Wylie, Mrs. Young.

During the past few days, Lew McCulley, Allan McCulley, Frank Addington, Pete Dollarhide, John Jacobs and Burr Beebe killed and brought in a fine buck each.

David Baty Answers Call

We unintentionally omitted to mention the death of David Baty last week. David Baty was one of the old pioneer settlers in Surprise Valley, making his home at Fort Bidwell, for the past several years, he has been in ill health and went to Oakland for medical treatment, where he died. His remains were brought to Bidwell and interred on the 21st of September. He leaves a large family to whom the Record, along with many other friends, extends sympathy to the bereaved ones.

Henry Polander Passes

The death of John Henry Polander an old resident of Surprise Valley and Modoc County came as a great shock to his many friends. Mr. Polander passed away at the home of his son, Herbert Polander at Settle, Washington. He was in good health until stricken with paralysis on Aug. 3, 1924, falling unconscious soon afterwards and remained unconscious until the end. He was born in Wisconsin, Sept. 18, 1850, came to California with his parents when a child. In 1875, he was married to Miss Rebecca Smith of Eagleville; this union was blessed with five children, three boys and two girls. Later in life he lost his beloved wife, one son and two daughters. Later on he bade his old time friends and brother J. R. Polander of Lake City, Cal., and other relatives, farewell hunting a new location, locating a Boise, Idaho for a number of years and when old age came upon him, he made his home with his son, Herbert E. Polander of Seattle, Washington, for 4 years until “called home.” He was aged 73 years 11 months. He leaves to mourn his loss a sister, Mattie Bone, of Klamath Falls, Oregon, one brother, J. R. Polander, of Lake City, Cal., and two sons, Johnnie Polander of Crome, Ore., Herbert Polander, Seattle, Washington, besides a number of relatives and a host of friends. The funeral services were held at the Home Undertaking Parlors, where many friends viewed the remains of an old time friend. In Surprise Valley, he leaves many relatives and a host of friends to mourn his loss. Our dear father has gone and left us.

Bert Wardell, former manager of the Bieber bank, has been arrested, charged with the misappropriation of the bank funds.

M. R. Likins, former resident of Fort Bidwell passed away at his home at Vacaville, Sept. 11th, after a lingering illness. He was the father of Mrs. Olin Johnson, formerly of this place.

Wednesday October 8, 1924

At Eagleville, Cal., Oct. 3, 1924, to the wife of Jesse Stephens, a daughter.

Auto Accident
It is reported here that S. T. Kistler is in a San Francisco hospital on account of injuries received while riding in an auto between here and Alturas, enroute to S. F., by being thrown against the top of the car when a bump was struck lacerating his head which became infected and his condition is considered somewhat grave.

A. N. Slinkard, of Eagleville, was reported quite ill last Sunday requiring the services of Dr. Kennedy.

Wednesday October 15, 1924

Cyrus Daniels has bought out Johnnie Bucher’s Pool Parlor and take charge this week.

At Alturas, Cal., Oct. 6th, 1924, Mrs. Grace Finmand and Fred Street, both of Eagleville. Congratulations.

In Susanville, Cal., Oct. 7th, 1924, Thos D. Jones of this place, and Miss Harriett Howard, of Reno. They are now occupying the Wood residence on Center Street. Congratulations.

At Alturas, Cal., Oct. 10th, 1924, Claude Heard and Miss Della Stiner, both of Lake City, Cal. their many friends extends congratulations to the newly weds and wish them unbounded happiness and prosperity.

At Kansas City, MO, Sept. 27, 1924, Miss Alice Triplett and John T. Rohde. The bride is a sister of Mrs. Thos J. Meredith, of Alturas, and formerly attended the Surprise Valley high School and has many friends here who wish her a joyous future.

Injuries Prove Fatal
The many friends of Sam t. Kistler, who left here last week for Berkeley were shocked to hear that he died from the effects of an accident sustained while on the way down by being thrown against one of the bows in the top of the auto in which he was riding, cutting a gash in the top of his head. Infection set in and later caused his death. Mr. Kistler’s kindly nature won for him the respect and friendship of all with whom he came in contact. His many friends here are grieved to hear of his death and extend deepest sympathy to Mrs. W. A. Johnstone, his daughter, and her family, who now reside in Berkeley.

Mr. Maupin, of Bidwell, wishes us to correct the statement made in last week’s Record that Mr. Kistler was injured while going from here to Alturas as he made the trip over the mountain with Mr. Maupin and arrived safely in Alturas. The accident occurred later while on his way to Berkeley.

At Eagleville, Cal., Oct. 7, 1924 to the wife of Carroll Baty a son

E. L. Eachus and Noel Heard and families expect to move to Ashland, Oregon, soon where they expect to make their future homes.

Wednesday October 22, 1924

At Alturas, Cal., Oct. 19, 1924, John Reynolds and Miss Maybeth Miller, both of Cedarville, Cal., Rev. Treadwell, officiating. Their many friends join in wishing the young couple unbounded happiness and prosperity.

Died At Lake City, Cal., Oct. 21, 1924
Lena, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Carter, aged 29 years. Her remains were interred at Lake City today. She has been an invalid since birth.

Wednesday October 29, 1924

We are informed that J. B. Bolin was injured by an auto accident some weeks ago died at Modesto last week. He was one of the pioneer settlers of this valley and is survived by his wife and one daughter, Mrs. Wm Gilham, and other relatives.

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