Surprise Valley Record for October 1925

Surprise Valley Record, Cedarville, Modoc County, California, October 1925

October 7, 1925

Called Home

Jesse Tuttle Herrin, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Herrin of Long Valley passed away Sunday morning at the home of his grand parents in Cedarville. He was born in Cedarville, October 30, 1918. Death came after prolonged ill health. The little fellow attended school at ’49 station and last summer, at Cedarville, united with the junior Republic and the Sunday school of the local church. He was a manly little fellow, obedient to his parents, respectful to elders and beloved by relatives and friends. He leaves to mourn his loss his parents, an elder brother, Boyd, grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Strotts, six aunts and other relatives. The funeral was conducted by Rev. M. J. Williams, of the M. E. Church and with music under the direction of Mrs. Leon B. Lewis, assisted by five young ladies, high school students; the pallbearers also being high school students. The sympathy of the entire community was well shown to the bereaved by a large attendance at the funeral, which comfortably filled the church.

A fire at Fort Bidwell some days ago destroyed two dwellings, houses belonging to Henry Kober and Fred Sessions. The origin of the fire is unknown.

The Sacramento Bee states that John R. Hornback plead guilty to the charge of arson last week, in burning the store of K. G. Heard, at Chico last winter, who was also convicted of the same crime. Both men lived in this valley many years and their many friends deeply regret to hear of their disgrace.

We unintentionally forgot to mention the death of Forrest Caldwell, who dropped dead while playing golf at Woodland on September the fifth. He was a brother-in-law to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cummins of this place and was highly esteemed by all who knew him.

Mr. and Mrs. Simson of Nebraska were here the first of the week on the return to their home after visiting Wm. Simson of Long Valley for a time. They were highly pleased with Surprise Valley and expressed the opinion that the many opportunities offered by the valley had not been taken advantage of.

One day last week the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Christians, of Alturas, had her fingers badly mangled in a cider press while here visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Smalls. (Christen)

Mrs. Thos D. Jones is reported quite ill with the after effects of the flu.

Fred Wilson of Seattle is here visiting his brother, Thomas, and hopes to capture a big buck.

We are informed that the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Marriette, of Long Valley is seriously ill.

Mrs. Strotts returned last Saturday evening from Escondido, being called home by the death of her little grandson, Tuttle Herrin.

Mrs. Charles Suggett, said to be the first child born Modoc County, died at College City last week. For years, she and her husband resided at Eagleville and their old friends regret to hear of her death. She was born at Eagleville in 1867.

Both Sheriff Sharp and District Attorney Laird are making a determined effort to apprehend Arthur Pepperdine, who absconded with County funds, and they went to Mexico, and followed different clues but so far have not been able to locate him.

Card Of Thanks – We hereby express our sincere thanks to the many friends who assisted us during the late illness and death of our little son and grandson, Tuttle Herrin. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Herrin Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Strotts and family

October 14, 1925

A Family Reunion Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Stanley, of Cedarville, had a family reunion at their home on Bonner Street, last Friday, at which were six children and families were present, as follows: Mr. and Mrs. George Hanan, of Paisley; Mr. and Mrs. James Dyke, of Lakeview, Ore.; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stanley, of North Bend, Ore.; Mr. and Mrs. David Baty, of Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McCulley, of Eagleville, Cal.; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stanley, of this place; Mr. and Mrs. John Dyke, of this place, were also present. This was the first time in eighteen years that the family had been all-together and a splendid time was enjoyed by all. One of the outstanding features being a wonderful dinner participated in by all, which was served at 2:30, after which a number of photographs were taken to perpetuate the memory of the happy event.

Mrs. Katherine Garrett and two children, of Fullerton, have returned home after a couple of months visiting her mother, Mrs. John Quirk, who lives near Lake City. Mrs. Garrett was accompanied home by her brother, John Quirk and bride, who will spend their honeymoon in the southern part of the state.

James Dyke and wife were down last Friday on a short visit to relatives. Mr. Dyke is now conducting the Lakeview Creamery.

Mr. and Mrs. John Benner, of Overton District, moved to town last week and are occupying apartments at the Sanitarium.

Simon Drouillard, who for many years was a resident of this place, died at Los Angeles, Oct. 5th. His many old time friends regret to hear of his passing.

Fred Stanley and wife arrived here last Thursday from North bend, Oregon, and may make up his mind to remain in this part of the country.

Lester Boston, who has been in the U. S. Navy the past year, stationed Mare Island, arrived home Monday evening being met at Alturas by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Boston, and will remain for a few day’s visit. He is pleased with his work and is looking fine.

An unusual sight was observed here last Friday when a wild mud-hen in a little pool of water on Main Street, in front of Johnstone’s store. The bird was captured and taken by Mr. Tibbitt to his ranch, where its wings were clipped and it was placed on a big pond there with the idea of making a pet of it.

Married – At Alturas, Cal., Oct. 8, 1925, John William Quirk and Miss Mary Janetta Weilmunster, both of Lake City, Cal., at the Congregational Parsonage at Alturas, Rev. S. C. Carson officiating. The record extends best congratulations to this worthy young couple and wishes them unbounded happiness and prosperity.

Mrs. H. E. Anderson, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. John Quirk, of Lake City, for the past two months, returned to her home at Yerba Linda some days ago. She was met at Oroville by her husband and the made the trip from there in her car over the Coast route to their home and taking in the beautiful scenery along that popular thoroughfare.

October 21, 1925

Death Of Little Girl

Last Friday, October 16th, the angel of death again visited Cedarville and took from the home of the parents the life of their little girl, Mildred Agnes Marriette. The child was born march 27th, 1922 in Long Valley, Nevada, and at the time of death was aged 3 year, 6 months and twenty days.

Several weeks ago the parents brought their sick child to Cedarville where they might have medical care, but neither competent nursing nor the skill of the physician could save the young life.

The child was the beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. l. A. Marriette of Long Valley, Nev. There also is a bereaved brother, Maxwell, aged 6 years.

The funeral was held at 3:30 o’clock on last Saturday afternoon in the Community Church, the services being conducted by the pastor Rev. M. J. Williams, Music was furnished by a quartette of young ladies from the High School, under the direction of Mrs. B. B. Robinson. The pallbearers were youths from the local schools; interment was in the city cemetery. The entire community showed its sympathy by a large attendance at the funeral.

Bitten By Coyote Last Monday morning while little Barbara Johnstone, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arch Johnstone, was playing with a younger sister in the yard at their home near Lake City, a coyote came into the yard, and thinking it was a strange dog the little girl put her younger sister behind her and tried to frighten the animal away when it bit her and escaped. Whether it had the rabies or not is unknown, but coyotes rarely come around houses unless they are infected. Little Barbara certainly did a brave act in defending her little sister from the coyote.

A report reached here last Monday that it was thought that a man named Fink at Eagleville had committed suicide. A few days ago he went into the mountains leaving his money and watch on the table, and a note telling his boy where to go in the event that he did not return. A posse was organized to hunt for him, with what success has not been reported.

W. S. Painter, Lake City, while taking a load of fruit to Alturas, over turned his wagon in Cedar Pass last Monday. Fortunately, he was not injured, and after rounding up his team and reloading, his wagon went on his way rejoicing.

While riding out east yesterday, the horse ridden by Roy Spangler, fell throwing him to the ground, badly bruising his face and knocking out quite a number of his teeth, and he was brought in to Dr. Kennedy for treatment.

Death Of Mrs Jacobs

Died in Lakeview, Ore., Oct. 9th, 1925, Mrs. O. W. Jacobs, of Adel, Ore. Ursula Marguerite Jacobs was born in South Fork, Siskiyou, County, Cal., April 29th, 1876 and died in Lakeview, Oregon, October 9th, 1925, aged 49 years, 5 months and 20 days. She came to Surprise Valley with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Messner in 1884 and was married to O. W. Jacobs, May 8th, 1892. Three sons were born to them, one passing away at birth and Merle and Fred of Adel, Oregon. Mrs. Jacobs was a woman of wining personality, a devoted wife and mother and daughter, and a true friend. She had been very seriously ill since last March, and tho she had the very best of care, both in Lakeview and Reno, she constantly grew worse. Her courage and cheerfulness were a marvel to all who saw her, never complaining, always “fine” when asked how she was feeling. The end came October 9th, about 10 PM. Her remains were taken to Fort Bidwell for interment Sunday, October 11th, where a large gathering of relatives and friends paid their last respects to one whom they loved, and mourned her early passing. She is survived by her husband, O. W. Jacobs, two sons, Merle and Fred, her mother, Mrs. Marguerite Messner and one brother, Jacob Messner, all of Adel, Oregon, one brother, F. G. Messner of Fort Bidwell and one sister, Mrs. John Cronin of Bend Oregon. The sympathy of the entire community is with them in their great sorrow.

Henry Hawkins left last week for the southland, where he goes in the hope of improving his health.

When returning home from school last Monday the young son of Andy Neasham was thrown from his horse, which stepped on his ankle, badly mashing it.

We wish to express to our friends everywhere our sincere appreciation of the kindness and consideration shown during the illness and death of our beloved baby. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Marriette

Fred Ash and Adam Rodgers of Bidwell, two of the old war-horses in Odd Fellowship, passed through here last week for Eureka to attend a meeting of the Grand Encampment.

Peggy, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stephens, has been quite ill the past week, but is now improving.

A letter from Prof. W. F. Young states that he is nicely located at Willits where he is teaching in the High School, which has a forty-five piece band and a splendid basketball team, and is well pleased with the outlook for a most successful team.

October 28, 1925

Sudden Death

Word was received here last Monday morning of the sudden death of Fred Messner at, Fort Bidwell. It seems that he was milking his cow when he fell over dead, presumably from heart failure. He was a resident of Bidwell for many years and was a member of the Masonic Order at that place and his many friends deeply regret to hear of his sudden death and extend sincere sympathy to the bereaved ones. He leaves a wife, four children and an aged mother to mourn his loss. It will be remembered here that Mr. Messner’s father died suddenly, while dancing, several years ago. His remains will be interred in the cemetery at Bidwell, this afternoon, funeral to be under the auspices of the Masonic Lodge. (Obituary in next weeks issue)

E. C. Gooch, a former resident of this place, died at Los Angeles, October the 18th. He has been a sufferer from rheumatism for a good many years past and was 86 years old at the time of his death. He was a brother of O. S. Gooch of this place and leaves a wife to mourn his loss.

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