Surprise Valley Record for September 1923

Surprise Valley Record, Cedarville, Modoc County, California, September 1923

Wednesday September 5, 1923

Mrs. Nora Street, Miss Gay Delmas, Ed Van Dorn and Grant Adams returned last Sunday from a swing around the Sagebrush State, taking in Lake Tahoe, Reno and Carson, and report having a splendid time.

The Federal nurse, Mrs. Bramhall, will be here next Friday and hold a meeting in the Grammar school building for the purpose of organizing a Parent-Teacher’s Association. Everyone is requested to attend.

It is reported that a man named Bennetta was shot and killed last Sunday near Lookout, being mistaken for a deer. Also, a report is current that a man was wounded near Alturas from the same cause.

H. F. Misener, proprietor of the Alturas Soda Factory, was over last Thursday on a short visit. He was accompanied by his father and a sister, Mrs. Allen, both of whom came from Missouri on a visit to him.

Leon R. Stanley, a former resident of this place, but now with the Hutchinson Lumber Company of Oroville, accompanied by Roger Lloyd, one of Oroville’s orange growers, arrived here last Monday and will spend their vacation with the Record family, and in exterminating all the deer and bear in the near by mountains.

Last Wednesday evening Forest Ranger Bert Simmons was patrolling the forest on the lookout for fires, and discovered one just starting up in the mountains below Eagleville, and in a short time had the flames under control. The fire had been started by lightning and had just begun to blaze up good when Mr. Simmons arrived, being guided to the spot by the smoke.

One day last week, Harry Warner, familiarly known as “Buggs” fell off the house and landed on the ground with such force as to turn his foot completely around and lacerating the flesh in a horrible manner. He was rushed to Alturas and everything possible done for him, but the shock was too great and he died last Wednesday night. He was reared in Alturas and at the time of the sad accident he was in the service of the government as Forest Ranger.

Wednesday September 12, 1923

Wants Parole

We understand that Claude Coonse, charged with the murder of Frank D. Gooch, plead guilty to manslaughter in the Superior Court last Saturday, and a petition is now being circulated asking that he be released on parole. His plea of being guilty of Manslaughter is a confession that he was the cause of the death of Frank Gooch, and as no extenuating circumstances, so far as have been learned, to justify the rash act have been introduced it is difficult to understand why he should be entitled to clemency, at least to the extent of being paroled.

Mrs. Cal Kennedy arrived from Sacramento last week to remain a short time with her father, Judge S. C. Hayes.

Mrs. J. R. Wilson, who has been on an extended visit to places on the outside, returned home last week. She was accompanied home by her two daughters, Mrs. Erma Misley, of Lovelock, and Mrs. Wm Evarts of Reno, who will visit here for a time.

Thos Cummins and family of Woodland arrived here last week and will visit his brother Charles and family for a time.

Mrs. L. A. Wheeler and daughter, Miss Lavelle left Monday morning for San Jose, where the latter will attend the College of Pacific the ensuing term.

Henry Harrington and family have moved to town from Davis Creek and he is now busily engaged in tearing down and rebuilding a house in the northern part of town.

Dr. Coates reports two accidents at Bidwell last Sunday. An Indian was badly hurt by a horse falling on him, while coming down the Fandango Road, where it comes into the Bidwell road. A runabout driven by Henry Truax was overturned, catching him beneath and breaking several ribs and badly bruising him.

Leon R. Stanley and wife and little daughter, and Roger Lloyd left for their home in Palermo last Saturday evening, and were accompanied by Miss Faye Stanley, who will remain there for awhile.

Wednesday September 19, 1923

The Misses Mildred and Marie Street left last week for San Jose to attend the State Normal during the winter.

Mrs. Lawrence Herrin, and sons, Boyd and Tuttle, came in from Vya this week on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Strotts.

Dick Cook was up from his home at Eagleville last week, the first time he has been in town since he had an auto accident, in which he had several ribs broken.

Is Volstead To Blam

A recent Klamath Falls, Oregon, press dispatch says: Tule Lake, only a few years ago a body of water covering 100 square miles will be entirely dry before the end of this month. This lake, by its evaporation, has exposed thousands of acres of rich land, which rapidly is being placed under irrigation with the accompanying drainage system, the work being done by the reclamation service. Tule Lake reached its maximum about twenty years ago covering at that time the area where Malin is now located and reaching almost the town of Merrill. Its size was increasing by the inflow of Lost River and also part of the Klamath River during periods of high water. The reclamation service first checked the inflow from the Klamath and then proceeded to divert Lost River into the Klamath, thus cutting off all but the smaller streams from the lake. Evaporation and seepage have done the rest. In General Fremont’s expedition through here, may 1846, was only about half the size it was at its maximum and at that time it is believed here was an outlet through the caverns of the lava beds which later filled with silt, thus causing the lake to grow in size.

Grant Adams fractured a couple of ribs one day last week while cutting off a bar of iron, and while it causes him intense suffering, he is able to be around the shop and help out with the work.

Mrs. Susan Mason, one of the pioneer ladies of Modoc, died at Chico last week and the remains were brought to New Pine Creek for interment. She had reached the ago of 90 years, and her many old-time friends regret to hear of her death.

Claude Coonse was sentenced last Friday by Judge Jamison to serve a term of ten years in the San Quentin State Prison for the murder of Frank Gooch. Coonse changed his plea of “not guilty” to that of “guilty” and his attorneys applied for probation, which was denied by the Court and the prisoner was sentenced.

Wednesday September 26, 1923

A. L. Page arrived here from Yuba City last week and will remain for a time visiting relatives and friends.

What’s The Use

Did it ever occur to you that a mans’ life is full of cussedness? He comes into this world without his consent and goes out against his will, and the trip between is very rocky.

When he is little the big girls kiss him, and when he is big the little girls kiss him. If he is poor, he is a bad manager, and if he is rich, he’s a crook. If he is prosperous, everybody wants to do him a favor, if he needs credit, they hand him a lemon.

If he does politics, he is a graft, if out of politics, he is no good to his country. If he doesn’t give to charity, he’s a tight wad, if he does, it’s for show. If he is actively religious, he’s a hypocrite, if he takes no interest in religion, he is a heathen.

If he is affectionate, he is a soft mark, if he cares for no one, he is cold-blooded. If he dies young, there was a great future for him, if he lives to an old age, he missed his calling.

If you don’t fight, you’re yellow, if you do, you are a brute. If you save your money, you are a miser, if you don’t save it, you are a spend thrift. If you get it, you are a grafter, if you don’t get it, you are a bum.

So, what’s the use?

Died Suddenly

Leonard Cook died suddenly at Reno last Wednesday. It seems that he went to Reno on the previous day and feeling unwell in the evening a doctor was called and gave him treatment for heart trouble. In the morning, the doctor returned to visit his patient and found the door locked, and on it being opened with a passkey, he was found dead. Nothing in the bed was disturbed and it looked as though he had gone to sleep, death being caused by heart failure. His remains were brought to Eagleville and interred in the little cemetery there last Saturday afternoon.

Leonard Cook was the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cook, of Eagleville, and was born and reared in this valley, where he was known as a steady and industrious young man and his sudden death was a shock to his many friends. He leaves to mourn his loss a father and mother, a wife and three children and several brothers and sisters, to whom the Record, along with many friends, extends sincere sympathy in the hour of sorrow.

John House, who has been visiting his father and brother and sisters, left last Saturday for his home near Modesto.

Mrs. R. F. Waggoner arrived here last Friday evening from Susanville and joined her husband, Rev. R. F. Waggoner, who is pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of this place. The record extends a hearty welcome to Rev. and Mrs. Waggoner and hopes that their stay among us may be pleasant.

Card Of Thanks

We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to those who so kindly assisted us in our late bereavement, in the death of our beloved husband, son and brother, and for the beautiful floral offerings received from friends at Eagleville and Gerlach.
Mrs. Leonard Cook and family
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Cook and family

James Patterson arrived here from San Francisco last Friday, accompanied by Mrs. J. H. Hawkins and Mrs. Maude Barnhardt who return home much improved in health. On the way up Mr. Patterson made the trip from S. F. in 18 hours running time, which speaks well for the roads, as well as for a good machine and driver.

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