Surname -N- 1922 Watsonville California City Directory

The original manuscript contains an alphabetical list of streets and avenues with all the house numbers arranged in numerical order, followed by the name of the head of the household. We have changed the way this information reads, after all, you are looking for your ancestors name and do not need instructions to get to the residence which is probably no longer in existence.

Last NameFirst NameAddressHouse #Page #
N. L. Ruso & CoWalker n fr river to city limits 2 blks w of Main24112
NavarroJnoAlvarado e fr Lincoln bet Prospect and Stanford1051
NealC. M.Third E fr 400 Main10911
NelsonV. M.Carr s fr E lake av to 3d 2 blks E of Main272
NelsonJohnFront w fr 101 Main1244
NemanichJohnSecond w fr 301 Main42210
NevenhisenEliz (Mrs)Sudden n fr 210 E Lake av 2 blks e of Main13610
New Home RestaurantMain dividing street of city east and west1736
New York BakeryMain dividing street of city east and west2186
NichollsF. J.Kilburn n fr 36 W 5th to Ford 1 blk w of Main275
NickolsJ. S.Center e fr Blackburn bet E 3d and E Lake av382
NielsenJesseBockius e fr 215 Marchant11
NielsenP. J.Bockius e fr 215 Marchant311
Nielsen (cigars)P. J.Main dividing street of city east and west2777
NihausMeta C. (Mrs)Bockius e fr 215 Marchant361
NihouseR.Madison n fr 327 E Lake av 5 blks e of Main not open bet 1/2 no of 5th and California276
NiisatoI.Union s fr 25 E 3d Blk e of Main11011
Nippon Shokai IncMain dividing street of city east and west1336
NirichPaulSixth v fr 701 Rodriguez5210
NiswanderJ. W.Madison n fr 327 E Lake av 5 blks e of Main not open bet 1/2 no of 5th and California5706
NoelJohnAlvarado e fr Lincoln bet Prospect and Stanford2211
NohrdenC. G.Jefferson n. fr 231 E Lake ave 3 blks e of Main not open bet Palm and California124
NohrdenE. H.Lake Av West fr 501 Main1485
NorrisR. L.Van Ness Av (formerly Rodriguez) n fr river to Lake av 1 blk w of Main11712
NovakMarkLake Av West fr 501 Main405
NovalovichA.Fifth West fr 601 Main1173
Novcich (cigars)JackMain dividing street of city east and west4247
NunesGeoSudden n fr 210 E Lake av 2 blks e of Main34811
NunozRaymondUnion s fr 25 E 3d Blk e of Main6211
Nurses HomeCarr s fr E lake av to 3d 2 blks E of Main152

Our thanks to Janece Carter Streig for contributing this database.

1922 Watsonville, Santa Cruz County, California City Directory

Source: Householders’ Guide of the City of Watsonville, Compiled and Published by Western Directory Co. Local Office: 9 Locust Street, Santa Cruz, Calif.


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