Surprise Valley Record for April 1922

Surprise Valley Record, Cedarville, Modoc County, California, April 1922

Wednesday, April 5, 1922

The Reaper
William Wilson, of Fall River Mills, died last Wednesday, death resulting from heart trouble. Mr. Wilson was one of our prominent educators and for years conducted a training school for teachers at Adin and Fall River Mills. For the past several years he has been in ill health, but his sudden death was a shock to his many friends. He leaves a wife and children and his mother, Mrs. S. A. Wilson, a sister, Mrs. Nettie B. Harris and two brothers, E. M. Wilson, of Medford, Oregon, and Laurance Wilson of San Jose, and a niece, Mrs. Ernest Grove, of Eagleville to whom the Record, along with many friends, extend deepest sympathy in their sad bereavement.

Mrs. Mamie Parker died at her home in San Luis Obispo on March 13th from pneumonia. She will be remembered here as Mamie Wiley and spent her girlhood days here. She leaves one daughter, Mrs. Van Progen, a mother, Mrs. Lizzie Peters and three sisters, Mrs. Minnie Metzker, of Lakeview, Mrs. Nellie Phillips, of Selma, and Mrs. Lura Kirk, of San Francisco and one brother, Harold Peters, of this place, to whom the Record extends sympathy in their hour of sorrow.

W. S. Painter has been quite sick. He is suffering with Bright’s disease.

Mrs. George Sweeney returned from the lower country. Her cheerful disposition has won many friends for her and they are all glad to see her return home again.

“April Fool’s Day” has come and gone, and about the only ones fooled were the flu patients who thought, they had entirely recovered from the effects of the disease.

Little Winston Benner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Worthy Benner, has been seriously ill the past week is now improving, we are glad to state.

Horrible Tragedy
The San Francisco Examiner of Saturday has a story of horror seldom surpassed in the annals of California. Many of our people, especially Surprise and Goose Lake Valleys, will remember Daniel Boone. Some years ago, he moved to a little farm near Modesto. With Mr. Boone and wife resided a son. In early life the intellect of the boy had been dwarfed by an accident or sickness and remained in the care of his aged parents. On Friday of last week, the son suddenly became insane and attacked his father. To save his life, the aged wife came to his rescue, but the maniac son turned upon his mother, beating her down and was strangling her. The father finally recovered sufficiently and securing a butcher knife stabbed his maniac son twenty times. The son will die, it is reported. Daniel Boone is 80 years of age, and his wife is some years younger. Many who knew Daniel Boone and his wife in Modoc will deeply sympathize with them.

Born – At Oakland, Cal., March 17, 1922, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stewart, a son.

Born – Near Cedarville, Cal., March 31st, 1922, to Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hill, a ten-pound boy.

Mrs. Will Jacobs, of Lake City, left last week for San Jose to visit her mother, who is quite ill.

Clyde Hays and family moved over to their new home in Cedar Pass last week, the old Scammon place.

Merrill Fulcher of the Fort Bidwell Bank was in town Sunday and reports everything looking fine up that way.

Born – In Honolulu, Hawaii, March 28th, 1922, to Captain and Mrs. Harley Latson, (nee Miss Verne Buck), of Schofield Barracks, a daughter.

Mrs. Julia Green, mother of Abbott Green, passed away at Alturas last Thursday, from the effect of the flu. She was aged 91 years and was highly esteemed by all who knew her.

Married – At Chico, Cal., March 26, 1922, Miss Virginia Lester was married to Eric A. Tonningsen. Both the contracting parties were former residents of this county and their many friends extend congratulations.

Wednesday, April 12, 1922

Mr. W. S. Painter is slowly recovering from his illness and his son William is now helping to nurse him.

Mr. E. P. Strief is very sick, suffering from Bright’s disease, and Mr. Tel Strief of Cedarville is here helping to nurse him.

Mert Willis is down with the flu, and all other afflicted with that disease is getting better.

John Largent is trying to form a company for operating a large sprayer to be used in this community, orders was given that all must spray their fruit trees.

It is said that Mrs. S. T. Garrett will have to be operated on next week for appendicitis and we all wish her a speedy recovery from the operation.

Milton Garrett of Alturas is here assisting his brother in the spring work.

Miss Mary Weilmunster has been home from school for a week on account of having the flu.

Grandma Heard is gaining slowly in health but is cheerful all the time having a smile for every one.

Former Resident Dies George M. Habel, a former resident of this valley died at Watsonville last week. As a young man, he was steady and industrious and always displayed great business ability, and was of a genial, wholesouled disposition that won for him many friends. He worked for Kistler Bro.’s of this place for several years, and then turned to the business of banking, and was for several years Cashier of Washoe County Bank of Reno, and late of Berkeley, and later becoming interested in a bank at Watsonville, in which he was an active owner and member up to the time of his death. He was a nephew of Dr. George M. Kober, former government physician at Bidwell, and cousin of Henry Kober, prominent merchant of Bidwell. George had many friends here who deeply regret to learn of his untimely death.

John L. Wood Shot By Bandit Five shots were exchanged and John L. Wood, one of the partners of Wood & Tilly, druggists of 6230 South Main Street, was thrice wounded, in a skirmish with negro bandits a few nights ago, when Wood attempted to resist one of the thug’s efforts to rob the store. The attempted robbery occurred about 10 o’clock at night. There were no customers in the store and Mrs. Wood stepped forward to wait on the two negroes as they entered. They asked for a mixture of mentholatum and vaseline Wood went back into the prescription department to prepare this, and a moment later the larger of the two would-be bandits stepped thru the prescription room door on the opposite side and was astounded to se another man there – Tilley, who was busy with the books. Tilley looked up to gaze into the eye of a 38 revolver who was busy which he coolly brushed aside with an out stretched hand. The negro started for the rear door then, plainly nettled at this reception. Wood, thought had jumped to the door with the intention of slamming it shut and imprisoning the man, but the negro managed to get through as Tilley reached for his own gun and sent two shots after him. Within two or three feet Wood, as he passed him, the bandit fired twice one shot taking effect in the left hand and grazing the breast the other striking the right hand. Meanwhile the companion of the quick shooting bandit had fled out the front way and Mrs. Wood had sought sanctuary through the rear door. The bandit, fleeing that way, passed within a foot of his smoking revolver in hand, and disappeared across the lots nearby. Two bullet holes in the ceiling of the store mark where a couple of the shots went wild. According to Wood, they did not say a word after giving their order for vaseline and mentholatum. There was no request to “stick ‘em up!” and not a word was said during the scrimmage. Wood is already back on the job serving his customers as cheerfully as heretofore, though both hands are bandaged.

Born – At Vya, Nevada, March 28, 1922, to Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Mariette, a daughter

Uncle John McVey who has been undergoing a siege of the flu the past two weeks is now improving.

Lossie Hays returned from Berkeley last week and reports his wife recovering nicely from her recent operation.

John Hoopes, of the Coffman Livery Stable, fell thru a hole in the loft of the barn last week and was pretty badly bruised up, breaking two ribs.

Fulton Heard got a bad gash on the forehead yesterday, when a stick of wood flew up and hit him, making a bloody but not serious wound. It looks to us as though – aw, what’s the use.

Arthur Stiner and mother, Mrs. Jessie Stiner, who have been visiting at Porterville the past several months, returned home last week. Arthur reports lots of cold weather in the citrus belt during the winter.

Born – In Cedarville, Cal., April 8, 1922, to the wife of Jesse Addington, a daughter. (Mother and daughter are doing nicely, but we have it on good authority that Jesse suffered a collapse, but we’d guess from the appearance of that broad smile he wears that he will survive).

Frank and Robert Hanson left Monday for Gerlach, making the first trip over the road this season in an auto passenger truck, and from now on expect to make regular trips. Frank will go on to Reno where he has a five-ton White truck that he will put on the road for freight & transportation.

Wednesday, April 19, 1922

Man Strief is fast recovering from a serious attack of Bright’s disease. Mrs. George Sweeney has been nursing him since he returned from the lower country.

George Heard has made arrangements to erect a neat and substantial residence on his ranch. It will be a neat credit to the community in the building line when completed. The lumber is on the ground and work will start in a few days.

Sam Strief and wife and baby narrowly escaped a serious accident Sunday night. After Church was over, they got in their buggy and started home, when both wheels on the right side of the buggy came off. The horse was a spirited animal, but Mr. Strief kept him from doing harm. A poor trick, if it was a trick.

Mrs. Wm Hatfield returned last week from a two-week’s sojourn at Vya, Nevada.

Miss Lee and Miss Fryhofer are absent from school this week, both being afflicted with the flu.

W. S. Painter has recovered from his recent spell of sickness and is ready to work again.

Ted Strief and family are moving below Cedarville, where Ted is going to work for Mr. Cummins the coming summer. Sorry to lose them.

W. T. Strief has taken charge of his ranch. Miss Opal is going to cook for him.

Word was received by George Weilmunster that Mrs. Bruce Stewart died on the operating table at Springfield, Oregon. She is survived by a husband and three small children and her parents. They were former residents of Long Valley and here.

Keith Wilson and Owen Miller started for Alturas last week and got as far as the summit when they had a break down turned around and came back home.

Dr. Gibson was called to see E. P. Strief last week. He is improving slowly. Wish him a speedy recovery.

Mrs. W. S. Jacobs was called to Richmond, Calif. on account of the serious illness of her mother; but when she arrived there she had to go to bed, having the flu.

Mrs. W. T. Strief and Odessa were up to see E. P. Strief, Saturday.

Last night some of the light-fingered gentry were abroad and Jeddy Brown lost four horse collars. George Heard two sacks of barley. They broke in a garage and took gas out of a machine. One man reported an axe gone.

United We Stick – Divided We’re Stuck

Born – At Alturas, Cal., April 16, 1922, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gloster, a son

Frank Nolan recently purchased the Finmand ranch near Eagleville. It is a fine property.

Mrs. Maude Keeney has sold her ice cream and soda business to Ira Darst, who will conduct the same in the future.

Charles Demick partially recovered from the flu but suffered a relapse. We understand that he is improving.

Mrs. Frank Murphy of Eagleville has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Fannie Bowers, for the past two weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. John Hawkins departed for Oakland last week, where they will expect to remain for sometime.

Mrs. Catherine Terry returned from Lakeview last Monday, where she had been in the employ of the Examiner.

Born – At Vya, Nevada, March 27, 1922, to Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Mariette, a daughter. – Mildred Agnes Mariette.

Wm Nickerson, who has been at Reno during the past year, arrived here last week and will probably remain here for the summer.

Ed Phillips, who conducts a soft drink emporium at Eagleville, spent several days in town during the past week, reports everything looking fine down that way.

Last week, Fred Murphy purchased the Vaughn place near Eagleville, and now Dame Rumor has it that Fred is going to accumulate a brand new housekeeper.

F. A. Dorris, of Alturas, announces his candidacy for the office of Sheriff in this issue. He is an old timer in Modoc and if elected proposes to do his duty.

Dr. E. F. Auble, of Alturas, is the Public health Surgeon for this district, and all ex-service men are to apply to him for dental service. Floyd is a mighty good dentist.

Mrs. Maude Keeney returned last week from below, where she had been for the past several months taking medical treatment. Her health, we are glad to state, is greatly improved.

Attorney A. K. Wylie was over from Alturas last week attending to matters pertaining to the water suit between the Lake City people. Kesner is a hustler and his friends here are always glad to see him.

Cressler Robinson is preparing to go out to the Warner Valley Ranch in a short time to commence the summers work. He is a young man of sterling merit and has displayed a marked business ability that would do credit to men of more mature years.

Harry Mayfield and family, who left a year or more ago, returned from Canada last Monday and will make this their future home. While absent from Surprise, they traveled over a large area of country, but none that looked better to them than this valley, and are well satisfied to get back.

Dr. J. G. LaRue, of the Veterinary State Department of Agriculture, arrived here last week and will probably remain in Modoc all summer. He has got a big job ahead of him, as Modoc has been declared free area from tuberculosis, and all the cattle will have to be tested and the infected cattle disposed of.

Wm Rinehart came in from Guano last Saturday, after men to help through the lambing season. He says that while they have lost but few sheep, that there are some who, will lose many lambs as well as old sheep. He reports that no feed is yet started on the range and stock will require hay for sometime to come.

S. O. Cressler is certainly a live wire, and is always up with the times. He was the first in Lakeview to own an automobile, and now he is the first man in that place to install a radiophone in Lakeview. He is a good all round hustler and his many friends here are glad to note his success in life.

Wednesday April 26, 1922

Mrs. Sam Garrett returned to her home above Lake City Tuesday. Her sister, Mrs. Noel Heard took her there in a car. She is recovering rapidly from her operation.

Dr. Coates was called to see the baby of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Darst. The little one passed away Thursday night at 9 o’clock, age 1 year, 1 month and 2 days. She leaves to mourn her death, her parents, one brother and one sister. Deepest sympathy is expressed to them in the loss of their darling baby.

Mrs. W. S. Jacobs arrived home all well. Billy was sure glad to see her smiling face.

Messrs. George Weilmunster and Wm Mickle of this place and Attorney B. B. Robinson of Cedarville are at Alturas on business.

Death Of Mrs. Sophie Ebling Mrs. Sophie Ebling passed away at her home here last Saturday at the advanced age of 87 years. She had been an invalid for several years past and bore her suffering patiently. She was born in Germany in 1836 and came to this country many years ago and had been a resident of this place for a long while, where she was liked by all who knew her. She leaves one son, Wm Ebling, to mourn her death and to whom is tendered the sincere sympathy of his many friends.

Born – At Eagleville, Cal., April 23, 1922, to the wife of Ed Connolly, a son

Born – In Cedarville, Cal., April 24, 1922, to the wife of Fred Hothe, a daughter.

A Regrettable Occurrence
Last Friday morning Lloyd Clinkenbeard was arrested, charged with burglary and threatening to commit murder. It seems that Clinkenbeard and his wife had separated and she had been nursing Uncle John McVey, who has been ill with the flu. Clinkenbeard came to the house about 12 o’clock at night and threatened the lives of both McVey and Mrs. Clinkenbeard, the latter did not return to his rooms inside of half an hour, and emphasized his remarks by breaking out some window panes, and breaking down a door and mussing things up generally. He was placed under $500 bonds, which he was unable to procure, and was hauled in to the Cedarville jail, awaiting his trial, which is set for today.

Mrs. Lee Murphy was up from Eagleville this week, visiting her daughter, Mrs. Thos Jones.

A couple of weeks ago, James Boyle, of Susanville was found dead in his cabin, and later on, his wife confessed to murdering him.

Ted Strief and wife are now at the Cummins Estate Ranch, succeeding Mr. and Mrs. Chet Bordwell, who resigned the position owing to the illness of Mrs. Bordwell.

Some days ago a man named John Whitman and two children and the little child of Ivan Cummins, who live at Tule Lake, were bitten by a dog afflicted with rabies and all of them are now at Berkeley taking treatment.

Chester Lowell passed through here last Friday night, on his way to Berkeley, where he was called by the illness of his mother. He made the trip to Gerlach in an auto and caught the westbound train. We sincerely hope to hear of Mrs. Lowell’s speedy recovery.

Married – At Cedarville, Cal., Thursday evening, April 20, 1922, Miss Uintah Caldwell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Caldwell, of this place to George C. Wood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Otha Wood, of Vya, Nevada. The marriage was solemnized at the M. E. Parsonage here, Rev. E. E. Beach, officiating. The many friends of the young couple extend best wishes for a joyful and prosperous journey thru life.

Fisher – Garrett Nuptials A wedding of great interest to the community was solemnized last Friday in Susanville, when Miss Anita Garrett, daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Garrett, of Westwood, became the bride of Mr. Walter G. Fisher also of Westwood. The ceremony was solemnized by father O’Reilly, of Susanville, at his home, at four p.m. Friday, the 8th inst. The witnesses were Mrs. Bigelow, Dr. Ehle and Mr. Becker, of Susanville. Following the ceremony, Mr. Becker was host at a chicken dinner in honor of the happy couple. They returned to Westwood Saturday, and have taken up their residence at 114 Fir Street. Both have resumed their positions in the office of the Red River Lumber Co. – Westwood Sugar Pine. The Record extends hearty congratulations to the newly weds.

Died – At Lake City, Cal., April 20, 1922, Mildred Opal, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Darst. She was born March 18, 1921, and her death was due to pneumonia, the result of the flu. The many friends of the sorrowing parents deeply sympathize with them in the loss of their little darling. The funeral was held from the Methodist Church here last Friday afternoon, Rev. E. E. Beach conducting the services. The remains of the little one were laid to rest in the Odd Fellows cemetery.

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