Surprise Valley Record for April 1923

Surprise Valley Record, Cedarville, Modoc County, California, April 1923

Wednesday April 4, 1923

Mrs. Weber Passed Away Died – At Modesto, Cal., March 29, 1923, Mrs. Jacques Weber, aged 72 years, wife of Jacques Weber and mother of Mrs. Richard Tatum, of Reno, Nevada, Mrs. Mary Martin, of Modesto, Cal., Mrs. Annie Pierce and Mrs. Gary Williams, of Likely, Cal., Mrs. Jane Wallace, of this place and Mrs. Marguerite Peterson, of Fort Bidwell, and one son, Paul Weber of Modesto. She was one of the early pioneers of this place, where she has many friends who regret her death. The record extends sympathy to the bereaved family.

A telegram was received last week by the Hotel Surprise that Mrs. E. L. McDaniels was dying at Los Angeles. She recently under went a surgical operation at that place, and was reported to be getting along nicely until the message brought the sad news to her many friends here who are anxiously waiting for further tidings but as none have been received since then it is presumed that she is still living and all are hoping that she is better.

John Van Riper, of near Eagleville, suffered a mental collapse last week and was sent to the Asylum at Napa.

Dr. Kennedy was called to Bidwell Monday to attend Mrs. Roy Baty, who is critically ill with hemorrhage of the lungs. Her many friends here deeply regret to hear of her illness.

Mrs. R. C. Dorris, one of the pioneer residents of Alturas, passed away at Berkeley last Friday. Mrs. J. B. Estes, another pioneer is reported in a critical condition from appendicitis, at the Lakeview hospital.

George Parman returned last week from the Agnews Asylum, to which, Mrs. Nettie DeForest was committed some days ago. States that he believes that she will soon recover. Her husband, Lorenzo DeForest was taken charge of by his brothers in Honey Lake Valley.

Wednesday April 11, 1923

Death Of Mrs. McDaniels
The many friends here of Mrs. E. L. McDaniels were shocked when the sad news of her death reached here last Thursday. She passed away at Los Angeles that morning after an illness of several months. Some weeks ago she underwent a surgical operation and was said to be recovering nicely when a change came for the worse and death ensued. She was a woman of fine traits of character, which made warm friends with those whom she came in contact and they were many, for she was owner of and conducted the Hotel Surprise here for the past several years. She leaves to mourn her loss her husband, Perry McDaniels, to whom the sincere sympathy of many friends is extended in his sad bereavement.

Born – At Sacramento, Cal., March 31, 1923, to Mr. and Mrs. Everett Wilson, a son.

The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Powers, of Eagleville, fell and broke his arm yesterday.

Mrs. Fred Wallace, of this place, and Mrs. Marguerite Peterson of Bidwell, returned last week from Modesto, where they went to attend the funeral of their mother, Mrs. Weber. Jacques Weber accompanied them home and will remain here for a time.

Wednesday April 25, 1923

Miss Muriel Wilson, who has been quite ill during the past week, is now improving, we are glad to hear.

Wm Evarts, who formerly resided here, arrived here from the south last Friday for a week’s visit. He has accepted a position with the Crescent Creamery at Reno and will leave for that place next Sunday.

A Gruesome Find
William Miller, of Warner Valley brought in a somewhat gruesome story last Monday offending portions of the remains of a man wrapped up in a cowhide. It seems the Old Jacobs had rented a house somewhere neat Adel, and moved into it and detecting the odor of decayed flesh commenced searching for the cause. He noticed in one corner of the cellar that the flies and ants congregated at one place and on examining found part of a cowhide sticking up, and on removing the earth and unrolling the hide, he found part of the remains of a man. The body had been severed from the shoulders down the spine and stomach, the work evidently having been done with an axe. The part, or half, containing the head was missing and could not be found. Mr. Jacobs packed the remains in a box and started for Lakeview with them, and on reaching Adel, he went into the store to purchase a pair of gloves, and when he came out to his car, he found some one had removed the box containing the remains and were nowhere to be found – somebody had made away with them. That a foul murder has been committed, there is no doubt, and the mystery surrounding it is yet unsolved. It is stated that a hide buyer with considerable money, deposited $5000 in one of the Lakeview banks sometime in the winter and went to Warner to purchase hides, since which time nothing has been heard from him and it is thought that possibly it was he that had been murdered.

Fort Bidwell News

Raymond Brown, a young Indian died last week. Young Brown was a pupil at the U. S. Indian School here.

Ed McConnaughy and son Robert have returned from a several months’ visit at Oakland. The family welcomed them home.

Mr. and Mrs. Vernon, of the U. S. Service are leaving for the south. Mrs. Vernon has already gone, and Mr. Vernon will go at the end of the school term.

Perry McDaniels arrived home from Los Angeles last Friday.

Misses Daisy and Della Stiner, Percy Harris, Fulton Heard and George Stiner were visitors at Alturas last week. All parties were at the Courthouse and what business was transacted will leave you to guess as two of the parties looked very happy when they were back on this side, we are informed.

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