Surprise Valley Record, Cedarville, Modoc County, California, April 1925
April 1, 1925
Dr. Kennedy was called to Bidwell last evening to see Dr. Coates, who is quite ill.
Dr. Coates returned to Alturas from San Jose last week and was taken sick with the flu, when he arrived there, and he is now at Bidwell, and is confined to his bed. We hope to hear of his speedy recovery.
Dr W H Patterson Dead
The sad news reached here Monday that Dr. W. H. Patterson had passed away at Oakland on Sunday evening and that funeral services would be held there yesterday afternoon. In the death of Dr. Patterson, Surprise Valley loses one of its most highly respected and honored citizens, a man whose career is entwined with the history of the valley. The Doctor came here in the early seventies and practiced his profession for a number of years. He then moved to Nevada, but returned here later and spent his declining years in the valley he loved so well. He leaves to mourn his death one daughter, Mrs. Maud Barnhart, and two sons, James and John Patterson, of Oakland, to whom a host of Modoc friends extend sincere sympathy in their sad bereavement. We are expecting to publish an obituary next week.
April 8, 1925
Several evenings ago Polly Green missed his footing while starting down the stairway at his place of business and tumbled down the stairway, a distance of twenty feet and was badly bruised up and a couple of ribs fractured. He is however, able to be around again and will soon be able to resume his regular duties.
Lots Of Them Here
The Nevada State Journal had an account of the excitement caused at Reno about two weeks ago when a couple of quails alighted on the top of a building and remained there for few moments. Cedarville can go Reno one better on the quail question, as hundreds of these beautiful birds make their home in town and have a regular roosting places on the Cressler property and Mrs. T. H. Johnstone’s place and are fed every winter by the owners of the property and others of our town people. Many of them remain during the summer and nest in the Park. They are quite tame mingle and eat with the chickens, and their whistling at morning and evening is pleasing to listen to, and woe betide the unlucky one who dares to fire at them.
Mrs. Jas Deimer is reported ill with the flu.
Miss Gay Delmas is reported on the sick list this week.
Andrew Groby is reported quite ill. Owing to his advanced age his recovery is doubtful.
Mrs. Annie Gebhardt, one of the pioneer residents of this place died at Oakland, March 29th. She was quite aged; no detail of her death was received here. She is survived by one son, Wm Mateer of Oakland.
Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Dollarhide, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dollarhide and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rinehart came in from Westwood last week and will visit relatives and friends in the valley for a few days.
The many friends of E. G. Scammon will be pleased to learn that he is rapidly recovering from a recent operation for appendicitis at Sacramento and will be able to return to his home in Westwood in a few days.
Al McGovern, well known in this valley, died last Saturday at E. B. Woodruff’s sheep camp, near High Rock Canyon, his death being caused by typhoid pneumonia. Undertaker Frank Kerr went out to Nevada last night and brought the remains here and they will be interred in the Cedarville cemetery this afternoon.
April 15, 1925
Mother Passes
Mrs. James Deimer passed away here last Friday from the effects of pneumonia and childbirth. She was aged twenty-seven years and leaves a husband and four little children, the eldest of whom is nine years. Her sister arrived here from Texas last evening and the funeral will be held this afternoon at 2 o’clock. The heartfelt sympathy of the community is expressed for the little children in their irreparable loss.
Groby Passes
Andrew L. Groby aged nearly ninety years, and for the past twenty years a resident of this place, passed away at his home here last Friday. He was an industrious man and of a genial disposition and attended strictly to his own affairs and was highly respected by all who knew him. He leaves an aged wife and a grandson, Wm Groby, to whom the Record, with their other friends extend sincere sympathy.
The Reaper
I. N. Jacobs, one of the old pioneer settlers of Surprise Valley, passed away at his home at Lake City about noon yesterday. His death was not unexpected, as he has been an invalid for the past several years. By his death, the circle of the very old pioneers is almost closed. He was aged about ninety years and in his younger days was prominent in many enterprises in the valley, and served a term as Supervisor. He is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Frank Wheeler, of this place, Mrs. Lydia Tonningsen, of Lake City, Cal., and Mrs. Lulu Messner, of Bidwell and four sons, Lester, Victor, Oliver, and William Jacobs, all of this valley. The sincere sympathy of the community is extended to them in their hour of sorrow. Mr. Jacobs came to Surprise Valley in 1864 and was married to Miss Julia Wimer in 1865, and is the last one of the pioneers who came here that year. His remains will be laid to rest in the Lake City cemetery tomorrow afternoon at 2 o’clock.
Mrs. L. A. Wheeler is undergoing a siege of the flu this week.
Mrs. J. F. Allenwood is reported seriously ill with pneumonia this week.
Marcella Wheeler, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wheeler is reported quite ill.
In Cedarville, Cal., April 5, 1925, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bowers, a daughter
Dr. Kennedy performed an operation on Mrs. Wortman last Monday and she is getting along nicely, we are informed.
Mrs. Christie Smith was taken suddenly ill Sunday morning, but at this writing is somewhat improved, we are glad to state.
In Cedarville, Cal., April 10, 1925, to Mr. and Mrs. James Deimer, a daughter. The mother passed away about twelve hours after its birth.
Dr. Smith has been sick during the past two weeks, caused by varicose veins in the legs, which makes it almost impossible for him to walk.
April 22, 1925
Pension Secured
John A. Henry, of this place, aged ninety-one years, is now receiving a pension of fifty dollars per month, and also received $2, 430 as back pay. He was in the Indian war in Idaho in 1863 and in one of the battles was wounded in the knee. This windfall is a happy relief from financial worry by Mr. Henry and his estimable wife in their declining years. The pension and back pay were secured through the efforts of James Spalding, of Washington, D. C. and R. H. Stanley, of Cedarville.
Some days ago, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm Bordwell was operated on by Dr. Kennedy, who cut out a rib and removed an abscess from the little fellow’s side. The abscess is supposed to be the result of the flu, and the boy is getting along nicely, we are informed.
The Sacramento bee of the 17th inst., announces the marriage at Redding on April 16th of Miss Ruby E. Day and Carrol L. Gilmour, of Gazelle, of Siskiyou County, Cal. The bride was formerly a resident of this place and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Day, and was one of our most popular and charming young ladies and has a host of warm friends here who wish her and her husband unbounded happiness and prosperity as they journey through life.
Mrs Barber Dies Suddenly
Mrs. Rachel Barber aged 81 years, died suddenly at her home, neat Eagleville, yesterday morning. For some months she had not been in good health and yesterday morning she arose as usual and went out into the yard, where she was found dead a few minutes late. She was a pioneer resident of this valley and was loved by all who knew her. She was the mother of Hida and Olin Barber, of Eagleville, Mrs. Robert Wade, of Alturas, and Mrs. John Bailey of this place and to them is extended the sympathy of many friends in their sad bereavement. The funeral will take place this afternoon at Eagleville this afternoon.
Mrs. Irving Snow received the sad news of the death of her father at San Jose yesterday and she immediately left for that place.
Miss Opal Reynolds and Louis Slinkard, both formerly of this valley, but now of Westwood, were married at Susanville, Cal., April 9th. They have many friends here who extend best wishes for happiness and prosperity.
Card Of Thanks
I desire to express my sincere thanks to the people of Cedarville, who rendered their assistance during the illness and death of my wife. James Deimer, Cedarville, Cal
Miss Jessie Newell arrived here last Tuesday to attend the funeral of her sister, Mrs. James Deimer, which was conducted from the M. E. Church Wednesday afternoon. She returned to her home in Texas last Saturday.
Card Of Thanks
I want to express my thanks to the people of Cedarville for their kindness to my sister, Mrs. Bessie Deimer, during her illness and for their sympathy and help after her death. I feel that my family and I owe you a debt that can never be paid, but we are so grateful to you. Jessie Newell
W. H. Hussa, of the Surprise Valley Meat Market was knocked down one day last week by a gentle cow that was chasing a dog, and badly was bruised; the animal stepping on him in several places, and had it not been for Clarence Doss the result might have been serious. As it is, he was badly bruised up and a couple of ribs fractured.
Broke Bone
Mrs. Jessie Stiner, mother of Jesse and Arthur Stiner, and an old time resident of this place and who has been spending the winter at Porterville, fell and broke a thigh bone a few days ago. Owing to her advanced age and the character of the fracture, it is feared that her case is somewhat serious, but her many friends here hope to hear of her recovery.
April 29, 1925
Timely Discovery
Last Friday evening a conflagration here was prevented by the prompt action of Ed Ghrist and George Penland. About 8:30 o’clock, they were coming down Townsend Street and while passing Mrs. Jennie Baker’s home, saw a bright blaze in the sitting room and on going to the door found it locked. They ran to the well and filled some buckets with water and breaking through the window entered the building and after a fierce fight subdued the flames. Mrs. Baker was absent from home at the time, and it is thought that a chunk of wood rolled out of the fireplace onto the floor, starting the blaze. Had it been discovered a few minutes later it would have been impossible to have saved the building, and it is very probable that several other residences in that vicinity would have been destroyed. The prompt action of Messrs. Ghrist and Penland are to be heartily commended.
At the Baptist Parsonage in Alturas, Cal., April 22, 1925, William G. Ballard, of Alturas and Miss Naomi Faye Stanley, of Cedarville, Cal., Rev. C. S. Treadwell officiating. The ceremony was witnessed by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kerr, of Cedarville, friends of the young couple. They will reside in Alturas. May happiness, contentment and prosperity attend them in their journey over the rugged road of life is our wish.
Obituary Of Pioneer Woman
Rachel Dague was born in West Bethlem, Penn., Dec. 14, 1844, and died April 21, 1925. She was married to Truman Barber, January 30th, 1873. They came to California the following year and has resided in Surprise ever since. To them were born five children, four of whom are still living. The husband and one daughter passed away some years ago. She was a member of the Baptist Church til coming to California, where she united with the Methodist Church.
We are informed that Ed Phillips is confined to the Hospital at Lakeview, suffering from typhoid fever.
Mother Passes
Mrs. W. H. Hussa and daughter returned last week from San Rafael last week, where she was called by the illness of her mother. We regret to state that her mother passed away last week, and Mrs. Hussa’s many friends deeply sympathize with her in her sad bereavement.