Surprise Valley Record for May 1922

Surprise Valley Record, Cedarville, Modoc County, California, May 1922

Wednesday, May 3, 1922

Accidentally Killed
Last Wednesday night Limas Landis, one of the H. C. Co.’s sheepherders was brought to town for medical treatment, but died before reaching Cedarville. He and another herder had a couple bands of sheep near the Home Camp in Nevada, the two being about a quarter of a mile apart. Lindas’ partner heard a shot, followed by loud shouting, and on going over found Linda shot through the leg, the bullet entering the inner part of the thigh and making a fearful wound where it came out at the back of the leg. The shooting was evidently accidental. As soon as possible the wounded man was started for Cedarville, and a man was sent ahead to have Dr. Kennedy to meet them, but when Dr. met them and made an examination, he found the man had died from hemorrhage. Landis was a Spanish Basque and could not speak English and those who brought him here knew nothing of how the shooting occurred. A Coroner’s inquest was held and from the evidence produced rendered a verdict that the deceased came to his death from hemorrhage produced by a gunshot wound.

Mr. and Mrs. Luman Foskett and daughters, Mrs. W. H. Hussa and baby and Mrs. Ettie Harris visited at the E. P. Strief home Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. H. Hobbs of Cedarville visited her daughter, Mrs. S. T. Garrett and N. W. Heard.

Claude Coonse is moving to the Dyke ranch, which he has rented. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Heard are also moving there. Mr. H. will work for Mr. Coonse this summer.

S. T. Garrett had to kill a hog and a dog that had the rabies.

Cecil Conner had the misfortune of breaking his arm last Sunday.

Mrs. John Dyke of this place suffered a stroke of paralysis Thursday and is in a serious condition, we are very sorry to hear.

Clinkenbeard was arraigned before Judge Hayes and pleaded guilty of disturbing the peace and was fined $20 and placed on a 90 day parole, last Wednesday.

A bootlegger named Martin, from Gerlach, was arrested here Monday and lodged in the county jail by Deputy Sheriff Thomas Wilson. He had 18 gallons of jackass in his car when arrested.

Wednesday May 10, 1922

J. H. Hutchinson took Mrs. R. F. Jones, Mrs. M. Wilson and Grandma Wilson to Cedarville Wednesday, where they spent the night at the home of F. S. Heard: then Thursday morning accompanied by F. S. Heard all took the Hansen passenger truck for Gerlach, from there going to the home of Mrs. M. M. Wilson at Sacramento. Grandma Heard is one of the oldest persons living in Lake City or vicinity except for Mrs. Bear. Her many friends wish her many happy days in her new home. Mrs. Jones expects to be gone about two weeks visiting friends.

Mrs. F. S. Heard was up for a visit at the home of S. B. Strief, this week.

Mrs. Della Clark of Fairport is here on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hobbs and other relatives, Sunday. A dinner was given for her at the home of S. T. Garrett.

Sam T. Kistler is reported very ill in San Francisco and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Johnstone left yesterday for San Francisco yesterday to be at his bedside, going by way of Gerlach.

Mrs. Cal Kennedy of Bieber came over this week on a visit to her parents Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Hayes.

Lloyd Clinkenbeard who was recently fined $20 and placed on a ninety day parole, got on a “high lonesome” last Friday night and proceeded to discipline his wife by choking and otherwise mistreating her, we are informed, and last Sunday he lit out for parts unknown. “Clink” as he is called, is a bad actor, and the morals of any community in which he may locate.

Wednesday, May 17, 1922

Charles, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nolan, was brought up from Eagleville to the Sanitarium last week and underwent an operation for appendicitis. This is the second operation performed on him and his condition at this writing is somewhat serious, we are informed.

A gruesome find was made at Gerlach a few days ago, when a man was searching in a trash pile for a door knob, ran across what he thought to be a cache of booze and on digging down a little found a human foot protruding and on further investigation found the remains of a Mexican, with his hands tied and the head beaten to a pulp.

Wm Rinehart came in from Guano valley last Sunday after Dr. Kennedy, and the latter returned with him to Guano to treat S. O. Cressler, who has been seriously ill there for the past three weeks. They returned Sunday evening, bringing Mr. Cressler to this place, and at this writing, Monday, his condition is somewhat improved, and his many friends hope to hear of his speedy recovery.

John Franklin met with a painful accident last week while shoeing horse, the horse stepped on his foot and drove a long cork of the horse shoe in to the foot. We hope he will soon recover for at this season of the year our blacksmith is the main spoke in the wheel.

Man Strief has been moved from his ranch to George Sweeney’s place in Lake City. Mr. Strief is fast improving from what the doctors pronounced a serious case. Mrs. George Sweeney is a fine nurse and deserves much credit for their faithfulness in the care of Mr. Strief. Is no better gift than kind treatment to the suffering, which Mrs. Sweeney is competent to give

Jake Wimer is some sheep man. He raised over one hundred per cent of lambs this spring.

Born – Near Cedarville, Cal., May 11, 1922, to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Stimers, a son

Born – In Cedarville, Cal., May 8, 1922, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stanley, a son, – Edwin Alyn Stanley.

Mrs. L. N. Pabst left last week for Berkeley, where she will visit her mother, Mrs. J. H. Bonner, for a time.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stephens arrived here from San Francisco last Thursday and expect to reside in this valley in the future. We understand that Mr. Stephen’s health is somewhat improved.

Wednesday, May 24, 1922

Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Bachtel and daughter, Ruth, arrived home Monday from their winter’s sojourn in the southern part of the State – no place like Surprise Valley.

Mrs. R. E. Jones arrived from Sacramento. Mr. Jones was glad to see her as he does not like batching.

Percy Harris is helping Mr. Watson build George Heards’ new house.

Warren Robinson comes here after cream three times a week, showing that there must be lots of cream. There are some of the finest dairy herds to be found in Modoc right in Lake City and vicinity.

Mr. and Mrs. Bide Stewart and daughter were here from Warner valley on a visit to the Toney and Stewart families.

Mrs. S. B. Strief and son John were visiting at Fort Bidwell at the Joe Conlan home this week.

Charles Decious and wife were down from Bidwell Saturday attending Chautauqua.

A Heroic Act
Hon. F. J. Powers while in town Sunday informed us of an incident that happened near Eagleville last Friday that will warm the cockles of the heart of any man or woman in the world who admires true courage and unselfish heroism. It appears the teachers in the public school at Eagleville gave their pupils a picnic at the Menlo Baths on the last day of school. The children were having a great sport when a small boy leaped into the deep pool and immediately sank. The children began screaming but were helpless to render assistance to the drowning child. There were no men present, but without a moments hesitation Mrs. Jesse Stevens plunged into the pool, swam to the aid of the drowning child and soon landed him safe on the shore. The fact that the child was a negro only emphasizes the unselfish heroism of the brave woman. And while testimonials are being distributed to the brave men and women for acts of heroic self-sacrifice and devotion to humanity, we want to nominate Mrs. Jesse Stevens for the next medal.

Born – At the Sanitarium in Cedarville, Cal., May 19, 1922, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed McGhee, a daughter.

Mrs. Alfred Johnson and son, Gerald arrived here last week from Westwood on a visit to relatives and friends.

Buffer Chase and wife and son of Adin are here this week, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Russell. Mr. Chase says that business at Adin is good this spring.

We understand that Mrs. A. C. Lowell of Fort Bidwell who has been critically ill at Berkeley, is now improving, and her many friends sincerely hope to hear of her early and complete recovery.

Dr. J. T. Meredith and wife arrived here last week and will remain for the summer at least. They spent the winter in the Southern part of the State, at Brawley. The doctor is looking well and says he is feeling fine, a fact, which his man friends here are glad to know.

B. B. Robinson and Dr. Kennedy left last Saturday morning for Gerlach, accompanying Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Cressler, of Lakeview, who were on their way to San Francisco. Mr. Cressler has been quite ill for some weeks with hemorrhage of the bowels and went below to get a through X-ray examination and special medical treatment. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery.

Wednesday, May 31, 1922

Wayne Olinger and bride arrived here from Susanville Sunday evening on a short visit.

Mrs. Maud Durkee died here yesterday morning at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Royce, after an illness of several months’ duration, and will be buried this afternoon. It is a sad ending of a young life, and the Record extends deepest sympathy to the bereaved family.

Mr. and Mrs. George Stiner and daughters visited at the home of David Baty at Fort Bidwell Sunday.

Mrs. John Dawson of Davis Creek is here on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Ella Shartel and brother, W. A. Odbert and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Lusk and children were here and attended services and took dinner at the Noel Heard home.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Daniels and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Vernon were in town Monday from Fort Bidwell.

Darrel Lee Heard is visiting at the home of his aunt, Mrs. S. B. Strief.

A little Klu Klux Klan work was carried out at Eagleville one evening last week. It seems that a young fellow beat his father up during an altercation, and several of the men around Eagleville go together and took the belligerent young fellow down to the creek and gave him a severe ducking, and other admonitions which is hoped will have a salutary effect on him. The way of the transgressor is hard.

James Street, of the D. S. Denehy mercantile Co., was up from Eagleville Monday and reports things looking well down that way.

Chester Lowell, one of Fort Bidwells’ prominent merchants, returned home from Berkeley last week, where he had been critically ill. Mrs. Lowell’s many friends in Surprise will be glad to know that she is now improving nicely and we hope to soon hear of her complete recovery.

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