Surprise Valley Record for May 1923

Surprise Valley Record, Cedarville, Modoc County, California, May 1923

Wednesday May 2, 1923

Fort Bidwell News

Mr. F. Hickerson, of Warner Valley, was a visitor last week. He has charge of a big ranch in the valley. His many friends were glad to see him.

The Indians of the village were stirred up over malicious reports regarding the death of the young Indian boy, who died recently. Better counsel prevailed, and the Red Men are now reported easier. It looked squally for a time, and it was feared trouble might come.

Miss Kate Connelly is reported very ill, and she with her brother were taken below a few days ago.

Under direction of Fred Ash, Supervisor, the road to Warner Valley in being fenced. Mr. Bucher, way-man, is giving needed places a coat of gravel.

Eddie Schadler and wife are proud parents of a newborn daughter.

Mr. McManus and family have moved to their ranch on the Eastside.

Mr. Matthews and family now occupy their new home at Cowhead.

Reports From Warner Valley

A big supply of water in all the streams and lakes.

Our electricity has gone once more. The last operator grew tired of his job and stopped the plant. It is a place for some good man out of a job.

The spring gardens are going in, tho some delay from cool April and its showers.

Short Squibs

Sheriff Woodcock, of Lakeview was here last week. He reported that he had investigated the alleged finding of part of a man rolled up in a cowhide near Adel and found that there was nothing to it. How the rumor got started is a mystery.

A band of sixty-seven Jersey cows, under the direction of Harry Mayfield, were driven to Alturas last week, where they were loaded on the cars and taken to Lakeview. The cows were purchased from the Patterson Bros. The people of Lakeview are realizing the many benefits of the dairy industry, and are preparing to go into it on a large scale, and desiring to get stock free from tuberculosis, they naturally came to Surprise, a free area, for them.

John Hopes, Charles Wilson and Charley Vansickle left last week for San Francisco to answer to the charge of bootlegging before the Federal Court.

S. O. Cressler arrived here from San Francisco yesterday and reports an improvement in health. He will go out to his guano ranch this week and may spend the summer there.

Mrs. Jos. Miller was reported quite ill last week. She is now at Dr. Coates’ Sanitarium, undergoing treatment.

Wednesday May 9, 1923

Fort Bidwell News

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Allenwood arrived home from the South last week. They opened Hotel Bidwell for business at once.

Jas. Baty departed for the South Monday.

The County Surveyor Cline is here from Alturas, doing some work on the Cowhead road and the Fandango grade.

Mrs. Kinz and son departed for Alturas, where they will await the completion of the work of the Doctor here at Bidwell.

Adam Rogers has installed an up-to-date filling plant. His old one was practically injured some months ago by vandals.

S. O. Cressler left here with Wm Rinehart for his large ranch in Guano Valley, were he expects to spend the summer.

Mrs. Annie Largent left last Friday to represent Cedar Rebekah Lodge at the Grand Assembly, which convened at San Francisco yesterday.

Mrs. F. E. Bush was reported quite ill last Monday, but is now improved, we are glad to state.

Everybody owning a fishhook and line are whipping the streams these days for the elusive trout – and some mighty fine colds have been caught.

Born – Near Cedarville, Cal., May 9, 1923, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Pratt, a son, weights 11 1/2 pounds.

It looks as though J. R. Wilson is going to have a little village of his own, as he purchased two houses recently and moved them on the east end of his Main St. property.

Wednesday May 16, 1923

From the Alturas New Era of last week we learn that the entire road from Alturas has been declared a Forest Highway and will be maintained as a national forest Road. This is indeed good news for the people of Surprise, as it not only means a good road from Alturas here, but will also be the first link in the Lassen Highway from Alturas to Winnemucca. This in connection with the road, the contract for which has already been let, to be built 24 miles northeast of Winnemucca, to Kane Springs, will form the east and west link of the Lassen highway and this all the year round route will be completed as soon as possible. The Lassen Highway has had many hard knocks by the lower country people, but the more it is investigated the more it is seen that it is the only logical route for tourists traveling east and west.

Rev. and Mrs. Walker returned recently from a short vacation spent at Dunsmuir and we are glad to hear that Mr. Walker is somewhat improved in health.

Cal Kennedy and wife and Judge Hayes and Jack Hayes autoed over to Elko, Nevada last week and report a pleasant trip. The Judge says they traveled over “some” road some of the time over in Nevada.

Fort Bidwell News

Several changes occur in the Indian School this year. School closes June 8th. Many will stay for six weeks’ term, all not passing grade.

Spring flowers are slowly appearing in the hills. The wild plum blossoms are now at their best. The air is full of sweet perfume.

Much water is coming down the canyon, which insures the hay crop for the ranches.

Ed Huffman, who was one of the first to volunteer from this valley in the late war, accompanied by a Mr. Ross, arrived here from Crescent City last week and renewed old acquaintances.

Frank Choppin and son were up from Eagleville yesterday after cement, which will be used in the Eagleville Cemetery.

E. B. Smalls and wife returned home last week from Berkeley, where they spent the winter. E. B. looks fine and their many friends are glad to see them home again.

Phillip Cumiskey, at one time conducted the Bidwell News, is now in the real estate business at Fall River Mills. Fall River Valley is a splendid place for investment.

Cal Kennedy and wife, who have been visiting Judge Hayes and family for several days left last Sunday for Sacramento, where Mr. Kennedy has purchased a general merchandise store, which he takes charge of today. We wish them prosperity in their new home.

Wednesday May 23, 1923

Fort Bidwell News

Mrs. A. C. Lowell, a former resident is now visiting her son Chester.

Phillip Trout has the contract for rebuilding the home of Mr. Ward, recently destroyed by fire.

Elsie Kober came home from Oakland at the urgent need of her mother who is seriously ill.

Lawrence Fee, son of E. J. Fee, arrived home from college. He has been attending the agricultural courses there.

J. Smith and wife of Reno are visiting the family of Frank Smith.

Miss Rhoda Steele left Monday for her home at Adin, where she will spend part of her vacation. She expects to attend the Berkeley Summer session.

Mrs. Emma Crowley was bitten on the leg by a dog several days ago, but has recovered from the wound inflicted, and as the dog seems to be perfectly normal and had been vaccinated, there is no fear of the rabies.

From Lake City

Mr. George Wimer, a citizen of many years’ residence of Lake City passed to the Great Beyond Sunday morning. Mr. Wimer’s health has been poor for several months the dreadful Bright’s Disease that preyed on the time worn body was beyond control of humane instrumentality. He leaves a host of friends and relatives to mourn his loss. The body was laid to rest in the Lake City cemetery Monday morning, the funeral being conducted under the auspices of the Woodmen of the World, for the last great sleep. We are taught in the great Book of Truth, and by daily observation that man is born to die. The casket and the grave speaks to us of man’s latter end in language that cannot by misunderstood. However, unheeded it may be, youth in its harmlessness and comparative innocence, and manhood with its wonted vigor and pride of strength are not more exempt than the decrepit and tottering age, from the fixed laws of being. The truth is inscribed in the great volume of Nature on its every page, the beautiful and sublime which the handiwork of the Creator displays on our every side fearfully associates the unerring certainty of the end of all things. Day after day, we are called upon to follow our fellow creatures to the grave. But from the house of mourning, we go forth to mingle in the crowded world, heedless of the precarious tenure of life and the certainty of the end to which all flesh is rapidly tending. The living of today, become the dead of tomorrow. We appear and disappear from the stage of action as waves meet and part on the troubled sea. He whose lips now utter these warnings will in turn be still in the embrace of death, for in the providence of God none escape.

Mr. and Mrs. San Lester are here visiting their daughter Mrs. Sid Street.

Mrs. Davie Grove of Eagleville was taken quite ill yesterday. Dr. Kennedy reports her resting easily this morning.

Wednesday May 30, 1923

George W. Wimer was born in Keokuk County, Iowa, March 25, 1859, and died at Lake City, May 20, 1923, aged 64 years 1 month and 24 days, after an illness of several months. When three years of age he crossed the plains with his parents by ox team, making their home at Truckee Meadows, Nevada. In 1864, he came to Surprise Valley and endured all the hardships and privations of the pioneers. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. W. E. Heard, assisted by the Woodmen of the World, of which he had been an active member for twenty-three years. He leaves to mourn his loss a wife and two children, Grover Wimer of Lake City and Mrs. Everett Hill of Cedarville, also two brothers and three sisters. J. A. Wimer of Lake City, W. A. Wimer of San Francisco, Mrs. M. J. Humphrey and Mrs. Wm Wilson of Reno, and Mrs. C. S. Tomas of Briceland, Cal. he was a member of the Baptist Church of Lake City. We all mourn the loss that has come to us but we have consolation in the fact that in the resurrection morning, if faithful, we will be able to meet him.

Card Of Thanks
We extend our deepest gratitude to those who so kindly assisted us during the illness and death of our beloved husband and father.
Mrs. George Wimer
Grover Wimer
Mrs. Everett Hill

M. J. Anderson has been quiet seriously ill during the past ten days but at this writing his condition seems to be slightly improved.

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