The following is a list of the Fraternal Organizations of Riverside:
- F. & A. M., Evergreen Lodge.
- No. 259 R. A. M.
- Riverside Chapter, No. 67 K. T.
- Riverside Commandery, No. 28 K. P.
- Sunnyside Lodge, No. 112.
- U. R. K. P. I. O. O. F., Riverside Lodge, No. 282.
- I. O. O. F., Star Encampment, No. 73.
- I. O. O. F., Canton Sherman, No. 25.
- P. M. G. A. R., Riverside Post, No. 118.
- W. R. C., Post No. 34.
- Riverside Rifles, Company C, Ninth Regiment, Captain J. N. Keith, organized 1890 W. C. T. U.
- Orange Growers’ Association.
- Society of Christian Endeavor.
Riverside has an excellent daily and weekly newspaper, the Press, edited by Hon. E. W. Holmes, and also another good weekly, the Phoenix. The Riverside cemetery is on the southern side of the settlement.
Source: An Illustrated History of Southern California: embracing the counties of San Diego, San Bernardino, Los Angeles and Orange, and the peninsula of lower California.