A direct descendant of Captain William Johnson, one of El Monte’s founders and prominent among the builders of the city in its later growth, is the name of Charles G. Andrew, who was born February 14, 1875 in San Bernardino. Mr. Andrew’s father was Tilghman D. Andrew, a native of Maryland, coming to California at an early date. His mother was in maidenhood, Sarah Ann James, a native of California, being born near the site of the old mill on the Huntington estate, and whose father managed and operated the mill. Her father, in 1860, moved to San Bernardino, where he operated several lumber mills. His death occurred in 1911.
Charles G. Andrew, in 1881, was six years old, was brought to El Monte, where he was educated in the public schools. On reaching his majority he engaged in farming, and in 1903, acquired and settled on 22 acres of land on South Lexington, near the Durfee ranch. Here he remained for twenty-seven years, settling the place to walnuts and otherwise improving his property. In 1930, he sold his ranch, and moved to Alhambra. A short while later, he removed to Wilmar, where he now engages in the Real Estate business.
Mr. Andrew has twice married, his first marriage being in 1896 to Miss Edna Taylor, a native of Michigan, whose parents were likewise natives of that State. To this union were born four children; Florence, (Mrs. L.T. Moore) of Pomona; Ray J., of San Gabriel; Roy M., of Alhambra and George T., of El Monte. The mother died in 1914.
Mr. Andrew’s second marriage was in 1916, to Eunice (Price) Haws, a native of Iowa, whose father and mother were born in Maryland and Illinois, respectively. They now reside in Pasadena. To Mr. and Mrs. Andrew have been born four children: Sara Ellen, Charles D., Barbara Ann and June. June is deceased, while the remainder are all at present, members of the Andrew household. Mr. Andrew is also the mother of a son by a previous marriage, A. Arthur Hawes, who resides in Whittier.
Fraternally, Mr. Andrew is a member of the M.W.A. and the I.O.G.T. (Good Templars). Politically, he is a staunch Republican, and in religion, he and Mrs. Andrew are Methodists. He has rendered valuable services to the community by his active cooperation in various civic organizations. For thirteen years he was Clerk of the El Monte High School Board of Trustees, and served six years as trustee on the Temple School Board. He was a deputy county assessor for six years, president of the El Monte Cemetery Association and its beginning in 1922; a director in the Mountain View Walnut Growers Association, and served as President of the El Monte Chamber of Commerce for two years
Still active in his real estate work, Mr. Andrew resided at 1921 Del Mar Avenue, in Wilmar.
In 1922 Mr. Andrew directed the work of bringing a large stone from the mountains, north of El Monte, which on May 30th of that year was placed in the El Monte Cemetery. On this large stone was placed a bronze tablet dedicating it to the memory of the unknown California Pioneers. Mr. Andrew was Chairman of the unveiling ceremony, at which a large number of representative California Pioneers were present.
Source: C. D. Mayon, F. Brow, L. Stoddard, and C. Mudd; El Monte from the Pioneer Days. WPA Project No. N-5740, 1936. In record 19-187072. (California Historical Landmark No. 765: El Monte). On file at the SCCIC, CSU Fullerton.