Masons of Placer County, California

Gold Hill Lodge, No. 32, F. AND A. No. 31
Organized May 5, 1853; 19 Master Masons; regular time of stated meetings First Saturday in each month.
List of Officer:
James E Stuart – W. M.
Henry W. Starr – S. W
Julius Malsh – J. W.
Sam. Mcclure – T
Isaac Stonecipher – S
D. V. Mason – S. D.
L. B. Daniels – J. D.
M. Waldron – Tyler.

Eureka Lodge, No. 16, F. AND A. M., of Auburn, was chartered in 1851.
The officers for 1861 are:
E. H. Van Decar – W. Master.
Benj. C. Allen – S. Warden.
Alvin S. Higgins – T. Warden.
Jno. C. Boggs – Treasurer.
George Johnson – Secretary.
Thos. P: Harper – Stewards.
Peter Harrison – Stewards.
E. G. Smith – Tyler.
Regular meetings; Monday of each month, or preceding the full moon of each month. Munber of Master Masons, 42.

Delta Chapter. Royal Arch Masons, U. D.
The officers for 1861 are:
E. H. Van Decar – H. P.
Benj. F. Myers – K.
Henry Gooding – S.
D. C. Scott – C. of H.
J. R. Crandall – P. S.
Wm. Weld – R. A. C.
Wm. Timson – M. 3d V.
A. Spinks – M. 2d V.
L. Kullman – M. 1st V.
Jas. E. Stewart – Treasurer.
H. R. Hawkins – Secretary.
E. G. Smith – Guard
Thirty R. A. Masons

Clay Lodge, No. 101, F. AND A. Masons.
Chartered May 8, A. D. 1859, A. L. 5856. Night of regular meetings: Saturday of, or next pre-ceding full moon; number of members, 37; location of Hall, Main street, Dutch Flat, frame building; cost of Hall, fitting up and furnishing, about $4,500.
Officers of present term:
S. B. Harriman – W. M.
Thos. Pattinson – S. W.
L. D. Kopp – J. W.
E. L. Bradley – Treasurer.
B. F. Moore – Secretary
J. S. Bloom – S. D.
J. C. Lillie – J. D.
J. Moulter – Tyler.
B. D. Kopp – Past Master
B. F. Moore – Past Masters
Have a Masonic Library, for members and others.

Rising Star Lodge, No. 83, F. AND A. M., at Todd’s Valley, was organized in 1856.
Officers of the present term:
Joseph S. Follansbee W. M.
N. Benedict – S. W.
H. OTT – J: W.
S. S. Willard – Treasurer.
R. O. Cravins – Secretary.
W. R. Longly – S. D.
J. F. Smith – J. D.
A. Baker – Stewards
P. Powell – Stewards
G. W. Decker – Marshal.
W. S. Shields – Tyler.

Oliver Chapter, No. 23, F. AND A. M., at Todd’s Valley, was instituted May 6, 1859.
The officers for the present term are:
J. W. Harville – M. E. H. P.
G. W. Decker – E. K.
N. Benedict – E. S.
W. R Longly – C. H.
Joseph S. Follansbee – P. S.
J. R. Glover – R. A. C.
T. N. Hosmer – M. 2d V
J. M. Miner – M. 3d V

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